Woo! First huge victory for Seattle yesterday (since the 1970s for the Sonics)...Super Bowl champs!!!
Leif slept almost the whole game! |
He doesn't like sleeping on you unless facing you usually...he was very sleepy yesterday! |
So I'm back after only a couple days vs. a couple weeks-success! Hubby is at work and Leif is asleep in my arms and on top of his breastfeeding pillow...typing this is definitely hard (he is on one arm and the keyboard is at a 90 degree angle on the pillow as well)...so this may take up a lot of my morning. Not like I have to be any where else right now!
I figured I would write about some experiences with Leif so that I can look back and either say, "Aww" or "I'm glad we got through that quickly" or probably "I miss those times".
(and yay, my arm is free as Leif is passed out on his pillow in my lap, phew)
Leif's sleeping patterns are changing all the time now, which I've read is normal. Nights are still rough-Leif just does not like sleeping alone, so putting him even in the co-sleeper which is right next to the bed is rough. He also isn't a fan of his swaddle wraps, even though every doctor and mom on the web say it's supposed to soothe your baby! I'll keep trying, but I have to admit he sleeps next to me in bed for a few hours a night/morning now. I know, I know, most doctors say that is super bad since it increases his risk of SIDS...but so far we both get more sleep and any time he stirs I wake up right away. There are articles out there that say co-sleeping is actually good for the baby and that cultures around the world sleep with their babies in bed, but I'd rather keep trying to get him to sleep on his own rather than in our bed. It's comforting to find tons of moms out there on mom/baby blogs that have the same problem as I do and also to read how moms of now older children slept with their babies and they are all fine.
Leif in the morning after we got up a few days ago-see how the swaddle is around his chest and not his arms?! He's a free spirit! |
What else...we are now having difficulties with Leif in the car seat/car. He is NOT a fan of that seat...and he used to love car rides! I'm hoping he grows out of this sooner than later, we are excited to get out and hike with him once he's old enough and has had his shots (which is in a few weeks!). But it's so heart breaking to hear/see him cry his eyes out in the carseat! I ride in the back with him usually to try and soothe him, but nothing works until we park and are able to get him out of the seat. After reading a lot of other mom's experiences and problems with car seats on the web, I feel like we just have to wait it out. Some moms go through loud crying spells until their babies are one year old! Please keep us in your thoughts and hope that he enjoys the car seat soon.
Those are my biggest worries right now...he did go through a couple days recently where he didn't poop and hubby was worried more than I was, but he finally went. I have a feeling he has reflux as he spits up a lot in the morning and is super gassy (I've never heard a baby fart as much as Leif!). Other than all that, everything is fine! Leif is finally smiling more here and there, but we still have a couple weeks until he actually smiles as reactions/personality. Oh, and I am still exhausted here and there which is expected, but at least I'm not working yet! I'm still dreading that day, but I'll try not to think about it now.
To keep active we take family walks at least a few days a week.
Leif getting ready for his walk-bundled him up in his hoodie and then into my Moby wrap! |
The NICEST thing happened to me yesterday...so you know how I said I tried signing up for the Disneyland 10K but it sold out? Well, my friend Christina (I worked with her at CLU but she moved to San Diego last summer) is going to give me her bib and she's going to sign up through a charity! GIVE me her bib. She doesn't want $ for it, and it's an expensive run. How awesome is that?! So now I get to start training for that! It's not until the end of August, but I'm super excited to start running again. AND I'll get to run with her which was the plan all along! Yay!
Okay, Leif is stirring now-probably time to feed (which anytime he is awake he's hungry!). I'll be back to update on Week 6 of Leif's life soon! :)