Holy smokes, Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK. I really love this time of the year, but it just flies by. I'm trying to enjoy every moment that I can even if our family gets sick! I'm better...but I got Leif sick this weekend. Now Hubs is battling the sickness. Ughghghgh...
Anyway, just trying to catch you up on our little piece of the world:
Sunday, November 8
I had to work at a concert that Sunday, so Hubs took Leif to the Rose Bowl Flea Market which is HUGE. They didn't stay long since Leif isn't a fan of being stuck in the stroller, but Hubs managed to score me:
This cool air plant! It's hard to see but it's pretty amazing. |
Monday, November 9
As I was trying to juggle multiple tasks after picking Leif up from daycare, I made the tiniest mistake of letting him hang out with the fridge open...and it got quiet...which meant something was up. I rushed into the kitchen to see this little mischievous guy with a yogurt open and shoving it in his face. It could have been worse I guess, but he's definitely a toddler. |
Tuesday, November 10
Leif has been a big fan of daddy lately which makes both of us happy...and Leif has seriously figured out how to work his phone. He's so smart. |
Wednesday, November 11
Leif's daycare had the day off due to Veteran's Day, but of course Hubs and I both had to work. So we were very thankful that my friend Susie could watch Leif. He was a little shy at first, but it took him a whole three minutes to warm up and started running around the house like he owned the place. When I picked him up he didn't want to leave! Susie is awesome. |
Thursday, December 12
Remember when I said I'd post photos that made me happy (besides photos of Leif of course)...? Well, when I went to Starbucks that morning, they had these super cute Snowmen Donuts. I had to get one for each of our family. Leif tried it the next morning but wasn't a fan...I sure loved mine! |
Saturday, December 14
I had to work that morning for scholarship auditions, but I hurried home late in the morning so that I could relieve Hubs of Leif duty and then he had to go to work. After Leif's nap and some afternoon snuggle time, we took a quick adventure to get Miles's shots since he was due. But as we were coming down our hill, we were stopped by five police cars, a fire truck, and a rescue truck:
After seeing the same sight on the way home and Hubs seeing it on the way back, we figured out that a car went off the cliff and he/she/they were trapped in the car. They managed to rescue (I think) the person/people, but the tow truck was back the next morning trying to pull the car out. Pretty scary scene. |
We made it to this animal feed store in Tarzana where they offer low cost vaccines, and the store had this awesome bear statue...no idea why...but I thought it was a good chance for a photo op even if Leif never smiles in his stroller. |
As I was doing laundry when we got home, Leif decided he wanted to throw on Hubs' Seahawks sweatshirt. Too cute. (Don't mind the toy mess!) |
Sunday, November 15
Since the weather was nice and cool (well, in the 70s), I took Leif to the park to get out some energy. He had a nice time even if he was the only one at the park! |
After naptime/lunch, we headed to Best Buy to do some fridge hunting. Our refrigerator is basically dead and we've been meaning to get a new one for weeks; we just didn't want to pull the trigger on an old or new one since we have to get a smaller-than-standard size fridge and will probably sell it when we move in oh, a few years or so? Leif had a blast with all the appliances! |
We found the perfect one and while Hubs was taking care of the payment process, Leif found the video game aisle...uh oh. |
New fridge will arrive this Saturday, just in time for Thanksgiving!!! Hooray!
Monday, November 16
Hubs had a weekday off which has been rare, so I took a sick day and we decided to go to...
I love this place when the Christmas decorations are up. And being a Monday, it was not as packed. And the weather cooperated! The only downside-we dropped Leif off at daycare because he was slightly under the weather, and he always wants to be held by me when we're there...being pretty pregnant, it's getting harder to carry him for long periods of time.
Anyway, here are just a few photos of our quick trip:
Since we sped through the park, we decided to stop at the outlet mall outside of Pasadena to do some super quick Christmas shopping...
Apparently this is the world's tallest Christmas tree...? It didn't look very fluffy, but it was definitely tall! |
Tuesday, November 17
So the day finally came to find out what Baby #2's gender is/was. I was super nervous and excited. Hubs had the day off again, so he picked me up from work and we went over during my lunch break. The people working there looked like they were still in high school, including my ultrasound tech. But she was super nice and she brought up revealing the gender right away which was nice, considering whoever I spoke to while setting up the appointment was a mean lady...anywho, she could tell right away what Baby #2 was, and so could Hubs who was sitting in the line of sight of the screen...
Drumroll please...
Change the doc to a young blonde woman and there you have it! |
Haha, I like this cartoon...but yes, it's a boy!!! The appointment took forever as our little boy wouldn't sit still and was doing all sorts of acrobats. He will be born in the Year of the Monkey, and already fits the bill. I feel him all the time, and he moves way more than Leif did!
Let's address the gender now...I have to admit that I was really disappointed to find out Baby #2 was not a girl. I had my hopes on that we'd have one of each and I'd have a whole new experience. I like the idea of bonding with a little girl and watching Leif and a sister grow up together. Then the more I thought about it/read more articles about having two boys, the more I'm happier with this verdict. In homage to my beautiful friend Barbie, here is my list of why having another boy is wonderful:
- Leif will have another boy to play with/rough-house with since they'll be close in age
- Baby #2 won't live in hand-me-downs, but definitely less costly than having to buy a whole new wardrobe
- Leif and Baby #2 can share a room for a much longer time now so they'll require less space: I foresee bunkbeds!
- Boys usually cling to their moms...I'll have mama's boys for life :)
- Boys are way less dramatic
- Boys are easier to groom/quicker to get out of the house...
- Fewer shoes, fewer clothes, etc = less money to spend!
- Even if they're the same gender, they will have their own personalities so it will be fascinating to watch them grow as individuals
- I can avoid the puberty talk, daddy takes over in that category!
There are definitely more reasons to be happy with another boy, but all in all, I definitely feel better than I did before. I guess I just had high hopes since this pregnancy was way more different than when I was carrying Leif, and the idea of a mother-daughter bond was nice. But when my friend asked who I was closer to, I quickly answered daddy's girl. Again though, since Leif is such a mama's boy, the idea that my Hubs would have a clinger was nice. Although for the last few weeks, Leif has been more and more happier/excited to be with Hubs. Maybe it's an age thing...who knows!
We also were hoping for one of each because that lead us to the decision of no more kids after this one...but now (even though this is so far off), Hubs is dreading that I'm going to want to try one more time for a girl...haha. Even I think that's just too far to plan in the future-I'm focused on what we're going to name our second little guy!
I leave you with a photo of me and my little man from last night...I was starving so I made popcorn (failed the first time-nasty burnt popcorn, but succeeded the second try!). Leif wanted some too, but then decided he would feed me. It was adorably sweet.

So my folks are driving down for Thanksgiving! They did that last year; although I think they flew down to Texas to see friends, then drove from there to see us and then flew back home. This time it's driving down and back. I'm excited to see them and excited for Leif to see them again. It's hard not living close to our families, so anytime I can have Leif interact with family makes me super happy. Plus with a second kid it's going to be very expensive to fly back home anymore-we already booked our flights to Seattle and back for Christmas vacation, and we had to get a seat for Leif since he's two years old soon! A big shout out and HUGE thank you to our folks for helping us out with those, because we wouldn't have been able to afford them on our own.
I'm not sure if I'll be writing before Thanksgiving, so I hope you all have a wonderful time with family/friends/alone-whatever floats your boat. If you go shopping, may you not be trampled upon and find the deals you want.
OH before I leave, I forgot to mention that I had my car looked at by State Farm (the insurance of the lady who caused that car accident)-they basically said I'll probably get a quote of the total of my car before it was hit, as the damage is pretty bad. This means they'll tow my car to get more photos of the damage inside the trunk (they'll have to tear it apart!), give me a rental car for five days and hopefully at the same time a check, and then I go find a new car! Pretty exciting stuff. They said they'd call by Monday or Tuesday, but haven't heard from them, so I'll be calling them actually in a few minutes here. So Black Friday for me may mean car shopping!
Okay, now I part ways. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!