It's been a crazy roller coaster of events these past couple weeks...holy smokes!
Monday, April 27
This was the cool piece of art we picked up from Venice for Leif :) |
Friday, May 1
Thank you Nana for the awesome Mariners hat! |
Saturday, May 2
Leif and Daddy being silly while I did my morning routine. |
We decided to try out this fun restaurant/bar in Burbank that was super kid friendly-they even had a bean bag/astro turf area in the front for kids! Leif loved his grilled cheese. |
Yummy breakfast burritos! |
May 2nd happened to be Free Comic Book Day, so there were some fun characters out... |
Sunday, May 3
The L.A. Zoo opened early to members on Sunday, so we decided to take Leif before having a date-day of our own. |
Snake! |
After we dropped Leif off at his usual daycare, we went and saw The Avengers 2 which was way better than I thought it would be!
Monday, May 4
Being silly since I had the day off-my friend Anne from Holland was coming to visit! That morning, my right eye was a little pink and puffy, but I thought nothing of it... |
After I picked Anne up, we dropped Leif off at daycare and then I took her to the little park/hiking area near our house. |
We saw a snake on the trail! Miles even stepped on it but it didn't move...I thought it might be dead until it stuck its tongue out at us... |
After our hike, we got ready and drove down to the Getty Center-alas, I didn't know it was closed on Mondays! So instead, we drove over to the Getty Villa in Malibu; not as nice, but still interesting since it was filled with Greek and Roman artwork. First, lunch!
THIS girl. She ran the Boston Marathon with a 7:50/mile pace-her time was 3 hours, 24 minutes. Seriously! I think she deserved this pizza and then some. |
The children area of the museum was way more fun than the rest... |
I've always taken photos of "Life Imitating Art". Well funny how the Getty Villa encouraged you to do so on each statue placard. So we took the challenge. Anne has photos of me, which she never sent, but I have a couple of her! |
That evening Anne hung out with Leif before bed time, and Leif fell in love with her!
We put our old bed in the living room for Anne, and Leif loved hanging out with her there. |
He gave her a kiss! |
Look at this little man! He loves electrical cords, and found her headphones, so they were playing around with them. He seriously laid down like this next to her, I've never seen him do that before. |
Wednesday, May 5
I took Anne to work with me in the morning so I could get a few things done; it was opera week and I knew things were going to be chaotic in the office. After a few hours, we took off to the Outlet Mall so Anne could find a few things for her boyfriend. :)
Lunch at PizzaRev-a build your own pizza place that was super yummy! |
After quick shopping, we headed back to school to try and print out her boarding pass but it wouldn't let her since she was traveling internationally (to Canada!). So then I took her to my hairdresser and chopped my hair off-I love it short, and think that's probably what I'm going to stick with. :) Then off to dinner to meet up with her friend. We braved it and went to Salsa and Beer on Cinco de Mayo-not too long of a wait and our food came out quick!
Eye was more pink and puffy, so it was glasses time. |
Funny faces. :) |
Wednesday, May 6
It was sad to see Anne go that morning, but it was so awesome to actually see her for a brief time! I haven't seen her since 2008!
My eye had gotten even worse and I really thought it was pink eye; so I called my doc and they told me Urgent Care was open at noon and I could just walk in, so that's what I did. Apparently I had a stye, ick. She gave me antibiotics and eye meds and said she couldn't clean/drain it because I was driving. I wish I could go back and do everything differently (more grossness to come), but I thought nothing of it and went on my merry way. She told me to save my breast milk for seven days before giving it to Leif due to the antibiotics (which was impossible), so I decided to be a rebel and just treat my eye with the cream/drops and skipped the antibiotics. Oops...
Thursday, May 7
I woke up and my eye was nasty looking. I decided rather than parade it around, I wanted to look more like a pirate...
Yaaaar |
Friday, May 8
My eye was much worse. I let one of the music faculty members look at my eye (he made me-he said he had kids and has seen it all) and he said I needed to go back to Urgent Care. UGH. So my awesome coworker/friend Randy drove me over thinking they'd drain it now that I had a driver. This doc said: Nope. He couldn't drain it-I had to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist. UGHGHGHGH. The first doc I saw on Wednesday was seriously useless because if she would have told me exactly what I had and how to treat it (she briefly said sty and that was it), I would have called someone to drive me back to work. The doc on Friday prescribed stronger antibiotics and said I had to take them, and it was time to stop breastfeeding. :(
So I came back, frantically answered countless phone calls by people asking if the opera was still on due to the crappy weather, got everything taken care of and took off early to pick up Matt and Leif...we had to drive down to Anaheim to pick up my race packet for the Tinkerbell 10K! Oh yeah-doc said I ran the risk of getting sweat into my eye if I ran, so I figured I'd attempt to run/walk it. :(
I met up with my friend Christina at the expo/packet pickup area and we had dinner at the ESPN Zone in Downtown Disney. Not too shabby of a buffet, but it was food!
We went back to the hotel and Leif absolutely loved it. He's a great traveler...he loves playing with alarm clocks, safes, TV remotes, Refrigerators, etc. But then it was time to get him to sleep. Sigh. We brought two bottles, but we totally forgot the nipple. After attempting to give it to him via bottle with straw and his water bottle and failed miserably (the whole time he was screaming and crying because he wanted to drink from me), I researched on my phone why it was bad to breastfeed while on antibiotics. Turns out the worst that could happen was he could get diarrhea. So I bit the bullet and let him drink because it was better than a screaming kid at 11pm in a hotel room. Sigh.
Saturday, May 8
After about five hours of sleep, Leif woke up when my alarm went off at 3:45am and was searching for me to drink. UGH. I nursed him and was able to finally get him to settle down at 4 and off I went to get ready in the dark. I pulled it off miraculously and walked to Downtown Disney to meet Christina. I decided instead of attempting to run in glasses, I'd become a "Pirate Fairy".
We met around 5:15am and our corral was let out to race around 5:45am.
We stopped just a few times to take photos and get water... |
I honestly did not train at all for this race. The last time I ran was the previous Tuesday (over a week and a half ago) and it was on the treadmill for two miles. Before that I ran maybe 2.5 miles the week before. So here's how it broke down:
Mile 1: Feeling awesome
Mile 2: Still feeling pretty good
Mile 3: Okay, getting sore
Mile 4: My shins are on fire, my ankles are locking up
Mile 5: My hamstring is dying, my ankles are still locking up, but I'm going to run faster to hurry this run up!
So I actually jogged the entire 10K. I wiped sweat from my eye every half mile or so, and it wasn't dripping like it could have (the weather was nice!). I was super proud of myself for running an entire 10K for these reasons:
1. I ran with ONE eye (which was pretty disorienting)
2. I didn't train properly so my whole body was going haywire
3. I ran the entire thing-no walking!
As I crossed the finish line, I honestly thought, "How do people run half-marathons/marathons? I can't imagine doubling that route, let alone quadrupling it..."
I definitely was under my PR, but hey, I did it! |
I slowly and painfully walked back to the hotel room after parting with Christina and her folks, showered and then off to breakfast. We found this cheap buffet place which turned out decent, then hubs found a couple things to do in Anaheim while we were down there (our Disneyland passes weren't valid for that Saturday!)
We stopped at the Orange Outlet Mall...
Leif fell asleep in the car and was still sleepy when we took him out. |
Shopping with him is becoming much harder to do as he wants to walk, then be picked up; walk out of the store, go crazy, be picked up. We managed to do a little shopping. Afterwards we drove around a little while, but couldn't decide so ended up getting our favorite sushi again back in Newbury Park, picked up Miles from Susie, then home. Needless to say we were both exhausted from a crazy day, and it was nice to be back home.
Sunday, May 9
Happy (belated) Mother's Day!
I had a wonderful day, terrible start. Hubs got up and wanted to go get me fat-free half and half for my coffee (in my mad rush Friday morning I forgot to put it back in the fridge)...he walked out into Leif's play area to find:
Yes, that's Miles' poop everywhere...even inside the pop up play tent. |
We figured he must have eaten something bad at Susie's, and that was the last time we let him sleep outside of his crate. Sigh.
Hubs left and came back with flowers, a pretty orchid, cards, fruit for Leif and yes, my fat-free half and half. He then made Trader Joe's Cinnamon Rolls (the best ever) and then got ready to have an the Camarillo Outlet Mall. Hahaha. Hubs is working a lot lately so he's happy to have extra income to take me shopping. I've got the best husband ever.
This was right after Leif's nap/before we left. I love these two. |
Monday, May 11
Finals week! Work went by quickly and home with Leif was fun.
He is obsessed with refried beans-he didn't touch anything else on his plate and that is what's all over his face. Love this kid. And you can't really tell, but my eye is doing much better. |
And here we are today. My eye is definitely better, but Urgent Care wants me to see an ophthalmologist still to make sure my eye is healing properly, so my appointment is tomorrow at 8:45am, which means I have to use more sick time. Ugh. I can't wait until my eye heals completely-then I can wear my contacts and start working out again...with all these weddings coming up, I have to get back in shape!