Happy Hump Day everyone!
I really wish it was Friday, but alas, it's a foggy Wednesday. I heard that this week Los Angeles has had lower-than-average weather, and I'm definitely thankful for it since where we live is always 10-15 degrees hotter than everywhere else.
We received our second baby box from the mother-in-law on Monday, and here is what she sent:
CUTE clothes from Heidi Klum's baby line...who knew?! |
Keepsakes from the hubby's childhood! Such a cutie pie. |
Hubby ran some errands at Target yesterday, and along with a few necessary items for the apartment, he found these:
When we met up with my bestie and her baby to help with our registry, baby had this cute toy that hung from his stroller and you could pull it down and it would shake back up. Hubby fell in love with it, so he found a similar one (the lion). I asked if he knew that our baby will be a "lump" for the first three months, but he really loves buying toys (for the dogs, himself and baby now ; )).
I've been a little more tired this week, but that's probably because I should be going to bed a little earlier than I am. I've been working out every day so far, which feels good since I counteract it with snacks and dessert. Here was my view yesterday on the stationary bike:
Can you see how nice of a view we have in the cardio area? Lucky to have a nice gym at my work! |
I've calmed down a lot about bringing up a newborn in a one-bedroom apartment...the internet saves the day! I have been researching articles and blogs about other families raising a newborn in the same situation, and all of them are so reassuring. It's not surprising to read a lot of these families are in New York City, but the way they describe what you absolutely need just made me feel, well, not alone. We have a pretty large apartment (or townhome technically since we have no one below us, only garages), and if we rearrange our furniture we can make it work. It's probably not a good idea to move when our lease is up (one month before the baby is due), so cross your fingers they don't try to raise our rent to an absurd amount. We will also look into a shorter lease, just to see our options. And Pinterest made me feel good about saving $$$...I've found a lot of recipes that I want to try, especially crock pot ones, so that will save us money since a lot of it goes to eating out. All in all, I'm halfway through pregnancy and feeling very optimistic about our future family! (No crying spurts so far this week, I swear!)
I've felt like this week has dragged on too! The view from your gym is incredible!!! I am so proud of you Nichi - keep up the great work!