First of all...12 year anniversary of the Towers...on my way to work this morning a lot of radio stations were replaying news reports of the tragedy. It's very disturbing to hear the screams, sirens and sounds that happened on that day. But it's also consoling to hear about the events going on around the nation to remember all those who were lost in the catastrophe. Pepperdine University put up nearly 3,000 flags on their lawn, one flag for each victim, and they're going to announce all their names at 11am.
Onwards...have I told you all how much I love I'm sure I have but I will say it again...I love They crack me up.
This sums up that Baby H can pop out any time now, but of course we'd rather have him wait until closer to 40 weeks. There are all these symptoms to look out for, and of course this makes me paranoid. But I'll try not to stress and hope for the best.
Let me back track a little bit...about two weeks ago one of the voice teachers came into the office. She's my age and really sweet; she has two kids, one is I think 3 and the other turning 1 or around that age. She also lives really close to us and will probably be our part-time nanny since she'll be on campus only two days a week! We got lucky.
Everyone meet Angela! |
Anywho, she's been great to go to for pregnancy advice and tips. Before I got preggers she was trying to get me to join her gym to do this fitness challenge which I almost signed up for, but I couldn't afford the entry fee. She's in awesome shape-think I may have to join with her after Baby H is born! Okay sorry-back to the point of my story. I told her how my doc said I should slow down on the weight gain and how it was getting me pretty down. She basically said don't even worry...she had gained about 60 pounds with both babies and lost it all in the first few months after they were born. She really put my mind at ease! Then sent me an article about "Weight Worries During Pregnancy" and someone had posted a comment at the bottom about how she gained 50-60 pounds with her two kids...with her second baby she didn't fret about exercise and dieting and the weight came off in six months. So, I am much more calm about my weight gain. I still try to eat the right foods and get in exercise for Baby H but definitely less worried. Here's me in action yesterday during my toning Zumba workout:

And looking at these photos, I don't feel so bad about my body. Yay!
More backtracking...besides our fun outing to Santa Barbara to celebrate our one-year anniversary, I ordered the hubby a large canvas of one of the photos he took at Yosemite. The traditional one-year anniversary present is supposed to be paper so I thought a canvas photo would be appropriate. For my present I asked for another diamond to be added to my wedding band since that's what we had planned when we purchased it as well as some new perfume. I picked up the brand "Clean - Skin" while we were in Santa Barbara (I'm in love with it!) and then hubby picked up my ring's kind of a blurry picture of both:
You can see the canvas nicely; the ring is hard to see but I love it! |
I try to end my blogs on good notes, but I have to add that Miles now has a severe cough that started after we took him to the vet this weekend. We are worried he caught kennel cough from there! This sparked a little tension last night between the hubs and me...he wants to get our $ back from the vet since Miles is obviously not allergic to anything and not licking his paws/hairless patch like the vet said he was. But the meds are helping Coltrane with her allergies, so that's a plus. And if the vet was where he picked up kennel cough then he wants them to treat it for free. I said we need to go to another vet; we were seeing a different one before but I feel like we burned our bridges with them when we dropped Miles off to get neutered then immediately returned to pick him up since the cost was so high...and my hubby and the receptionist kind of got into it. The vet there though was great. So not sure where we're going to go, but we are worried about the kennel cough in Miles. Of course the dogs contract all these problems when I'm pregnant-when it rains, it pours, right? Cross your fingers that all of their problems go away soon and we have a dog-stress-free 15 weeks...
Sure wish we could do Zumba together!