It's been a week since I last posted, but I will try to keep this post from dragging on since I have so much to catch up on!
Tuesday, November 26
Nothing super eventful, but we did manage to get this cute photo of Miles before we took a walk that evening:
Proud Miles in his scarf! No, he didn't take a walk in it. : ) |
Wednesday, November 27
Work went by fast since I was able to get off early for my weekly check-up. But I did spend 45 minutes in the waiting room of my OB...apparently there was an emergency that my scheduled doc was facing. I was able to see my other favorite doc though in a matter of minutes so it worked out just fine. Baby H's heartbeat is loud and strong!
Later in the evening was Miles's last day of training, where we went over everything he has learned and then "graduates". All the other pups did so well but we were a little disappointed in Miles because he kept whining and was just super excited to be there. He has a little puppy A.D.D.
Our graduate |
Thursday, November 28
After some football in the morning and grazing on small amounts of food, we got ready and took off to our friend Daryl's house-his roommate was going to cook us all a feast (little did we know). We brought Miles and he had a wonderful time meeting all the new people-he was so hyper!
It ended up being seven people total including the cook...and he did it all by himself. When he started putting food on the table we were extremely astonished by where the food came from since they have such a tiny kitchen!
The meal included Turkey, Stuffing, Homemade Mac n' Cheese, Green Bean Casserole, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, the BEST sweet potatoes w/marshmallow I have EVER had, Brussel Sprouts, and bits of MAPLE BACON to put on whatever you wanted. O. M. G. |
Daryl's roommate Josh needs to become a chef, or at least compete in one of those cooking shows, because the food was amazing. Needless to say we were happy to have gone to their house instead of Black Angus, holy cow.
After letting our food settle a little bit, we sat down to play Cards Against Humanity and eat dessert, a homemade peppermint cheesecake. First, Cards Against Humanity is a very fun game-kind of like Apples to Apples but politically incorrect. Folks, play this game with people who you know won't get offended easily. Second, the cheesecake needed to be featured in some restaurant and it was too good for Cheesecake Factory.
So far at dessert time, I had won only one question-"What don't you want to find in your Kung Pao Chicken?" I forgot my answer... |
Hubby approved of dessert, and take a look on our friend George's face...he was in awe of the cheesecake! |
Once we returned home, hubby crashed on the couch and I stayed up to catch up on Once Upon A Time, but fell asleep immediately after one episode. All in all a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 29 or BLACK FRIDAY
My diagnostic appointment on my car was at 8am, and it couldn't have come any sooner as my check engine light and AT light were on when I started my car. Dropped it off bright and early and we decided we'd brave some crowds and take a look at a few stores. We figured it wouldn't be so crazy since stores were open on Thanksgiving. First stop was Barnes and Noble so hubby could look at games; I just wanted a yummy holiday Starbucks drink. After perusing, we went over to Target since we needed actual household items. Nothing super exciting there, but did get the items we actually needed and didn't stand in any lines. Phew!
We then stopped in Ashley Furniture just to see if they had any rockers/gliders, and they had a sale on these huge rocker/recliners-buy one get one free. We don't have any room for one of them let alone two, so we left right away.
Later that afternoon we took Miles for a walk around the block, and we still hadn't heard from the dealership (it was 2pm at this point!). Finally after the walk I received a voicemail and...duh duh was going to cost $1,400 to fix my car. Aye chihuahua.
First, can I say how much I love my parents and I don't know what I would ever do without them? I also feel pretty useless since I rely on them for so much. But I'm extremely thankful for them. After discussing what was wrong with my car, they're helping me out on this. Pheeeeeeeew. My pa even talked to the mechanics for me about the problems and wanted to see how much my car was worth if we even tried to trade it in-and wah waaah, it's not worth much since there's so many miles on it. But I'm still considering after the car is fixed to trade it in since it's had so many stupid problems in the last year or two. I do drive the heck out of it...
Anyway, we had purchased tickets Wednesday night to see the Hunger Games later that afternoon so we took off after talking to my pa for a while about my car. Good movie! They did a good job sticking close to the book. While we were walking out we decided to snap a quick photo of me in front of the tree they had in their plaza.
I look so huge! Ugh, me at 36 weeks. |
On our way out we decided to stop at Big Lots to see if they had any gliders/rockers on sale since I saw some in an ad in the mail. We stopped in our faaavorite town of Van Nuys (please note the sarcasm)...we should have been forewarned about what we were entering when I got out of the car and witnessed two people arguing in and out of their car...convo went something like this:
(Man standing outside of car): "What do you want me to say, I'm sorry?"
(Woman sitting in driver seat of car): <muffle muffle>
(Man): "Well, I'm sorry for calling you names."
And that's all I caught. Once we entered it was a mess-stuff all over, dim lights, it was kind of scary. Funny thing is we found a glider we wanted on sale for a good price, and surprisingly comfy. We decided to walk around before we inquired about the glider...and it was still scary. I saw a woman pulling out things on a shelf and letting them fall on the ground so she could get something in the back of the shelf. I saw a plastic bin sitting right in the middle of an aisle that was very narrow. I did find something to buy for hubby, so I decided to stand in line and purchase it before we inquired about the glider...the lady in front of me was counting out exact cash for a large purchase, and the cashier counted it twice, and then needed 38 cents...the woman slowly dug through her purse looking for the change. Some other cashier not working pulled out a bunch of change for her, and got the exact amount. Right as she was getting her receipt, one of the woman's daughters runs in front of me wanting to purchase an iPad case and candy. So of course she decides to buy it. After all that hassle in what looked like not having enough $ to buy her very large purchase, this lady was going to buy an extravagant iPad case for her daughter, letting her cut me?! UGH. I moved to another cashier that was thankfully open. It was ridiculous.
Anyway, we found out that they were all out of the gliders at that Big Lots, so we tried our luck one last time at a Big Lots closer to our house. Lo and behold they had ONE left. Since the price was good and we both liked it, we ended up buying it. Yay, we are done with our long list of Baby stuff (for now!).
Saturday, November 30
After a big yummy breakfast, we took Miles to the dog park where he had a LOT of fun. We stayed there for a while until I got a call from my dad saying I can pick up a rental car Monday morning at 7am...which is no bueno since I leave for work around 6:45am. I made a call to the dealer and they said they could have a rental for me that afternoon. So we made our way back to Valencia after the park and hubby dropped me off at the dealership. They put me in a 2013 Subaru Forrester, which isn't terrible, but the color, ugh.
I brought it in to work today-my co-worker commented that I was Cinderella since it looks like a pumpkin...I said I'm the Knocked-Up version. |
When I got home, hubby was struggling to put the glider together-the directions were terrrrrrible. I managed to help with a couple parts of the process, but hubby was a trooper and after some rather tough bouts, he was able to get it together. I should have taken a picture of it, maybe this week...but it's super comfy and I actually fell asleep in it that night before retreating to the bedroom. Success!
Sunday, December 1
While hubby watched football in the morning, I made the last box of my Fair Scones-these were blueberry and they required a little heavy cream, which made them super tasty. Om nom. Anyway, we also broke out all our Christmas decorations and I updated our wreath since hubby and I thought it looked "unfinished...
As Portlandia would say, "Put a bird on it!" |
Reindeer Miles, or...
Football Reindeer Miles!!! |
After breaking out all our decorations and after football slowed down, we took Miles to the closer dog park. It wasn't as fun since there weren't as many dogs to play with, but he did get a little play with a Siberian husky and then we took him over to the small area because he kept playing with these two cute jack russell terriers through the fence.
The result of taking Miles to the dog park. Sleepy pup! |
Once we returned, we sat around for a little bit then decided to take a nice walk since I needed to burn off so much food from the weekend. When we returned, I finished up the laundry and some errands around the apartment.
Super sleepy pup |
After a walk and the dog park, Miles decided to lean his head on a pillow in his little pillow fort. Too cute. |
Overall we had a really nice, relaxing Thanksgiving weekend (besides the car trouble). I'm just thankful to have had four days off in a row-without a baby in tow just yet. Today has been busy at work-thus taking so long to update this blog! But I only have two more weeks of work and then it's a much longer break. I shouldn't consider it a break-I guess a break from work...but I know time will fly with Baby H's arrival. I'm excited to see my folks who are driving down starting Wednesday-we're hoping to catch an early dinner together this Friday before my first Christmas concert. I know I say this a lot, but I can't believe how fast time has flown!