Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 37/38: Fun Weekend

What a busy weekend!

Friday went by sooo slowly, but my parents arrived right as I was done with work.  It was/is great to see them!  I was starving at that point, so we grabbed some yummy thai food.  Afterwards we hit up Starbucks and walked off dinner a little bit at the dollar store...

I should have taken a photo of her trying to put it on first-she had it backwards.  But presenting Queen of the Dollar Store!
They dropped me back off on campus and we had our first Christmas concert which went well.  Think I played fine...but I was bummed that I didn't get home until 10:30pm.  Long day!

Saturday afternoon hubby had to work so I met my folks back near my campus and we headed over to the nearby mall since the weather was so cold and dreary/wet.

Took them to where we adopted Miles-so many cute puppy beagles!
After food court lunch mom wanted to take photos while we looked up what to do next
Cheeeeeese!  (where am I looking?!)
Mom and I decided to get our nails done since we still had a couple hours to kill, and my dad would walk around Whole Foods while this happened.  My lady was rough and quiet...she made me bleed a couple times!  I know I don't get my nails done often and my cuticles are terrible, but man she was brutal.  I didn't speak up but just know I won't be returning back there any time soon.

Second and third Christmas concerts went just fine, although I was super tired before the second one and tried to sleep a little bit (successfully but in a very awkward position on a chair).  Right after the second concert I had to bolt after I performed to make sure the dinner for the orchestra and choir was delivered and set up.  My department assistant helped me out with it and the dinner went well.

The seniors doing a traditional reading of a Christmas story after dinner
Again I didn't get home until 10:30pm; hubs and I watched a little TV and passed out soon after.

But then I woke up in the middle of the night.  A few times.  My tummy has been getting severely itchy a couple times a day now-to the point where I have to get a cold, wet wash cloth on there for a good half an hour before it stops.  I will definitely be asking my doc about this as it happened again last night and I couldn't sleep for an hour in the middle of the night.  If any of you know what causes this, help please!  I haven't started using any new shower gels/soaps and I've been using Bio Oil for the last couple weeks without any problems, so I don't think it's an allergic reaction to anything.  I don't feel like I'm growing much more either (or maybe I am and I just don't notice it!).  But it's just way itchier than normal... : (

Anyway, Sunday morning I had hubby open up his present from my dad (we have a family gift exchange now and my dad drew Matt-I drew my mom)...they said he could open them now because...

Ooh the anticipation...
Seahawks shirts for the big game!
And of course a board game, and he realllly loves his games.  And this one he was super excited about!
We were able to take a little photo of our little Seahawk family...

We decided to take Miles to the dog park since he was going to be home alone while we went to the last Christmas concert/dinner with my folks, but as we were getting ready I was able to take this photo:

We find it hilarious that he watches TV sometimes when he hears animals-you can't really see it, but there were rats on a movie and he couldn't stop watching!  Also, check out our new glider/recliner on the right
The last concert went really well and we ate dinner at the Lazy Dog Cafe which was really yummy.  We got home around 8:30pm and while I finished the laundry we watched TV.  Like I said, it was a busy weekend!

I'm on the home-stretch as far as work this week now...I am happy that I only have five more days left. My folks are going to be in the audience for the Price is Right today-wish them luck as my mom tries to get on!  Then tomorrow my folks are driving up to my place to take my car in...AGAIN.  That's right folks, my engine now sounds like it's about to fall out when it is first started...but once it warms up it's not terrible.  Both hubby and I are having some serious car problems, and it couldn't have come at a worse time.  That's how it works though, right?  I'm just glad my folks are here to help me get through it-I'm terrible with cars.

Well, 16 days left everyone!  I think I'll try to create a "12 Days of Xmas" song once the twelfth day hits...we'll see.  ;)  Have a good Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post! So glad your parents made it safely. Good to see pics of them!!
