I'm so sorry I haven't updated my blog in forever. As you have noticed, some things have changed about my blog which means Baby H arrived!
This post will update you on events before Baby H and then will give you a loooong update on the adventure that is labor and a newborn's first week.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas Eve!
We were on edge since Baby H's due date was supposedly the next day. But I still had a present for my hubby that I wanted to give him then since I wasn't sure what was going to happen on Christmas.
Expansion pack for Dominion, his favorite board game right now |
Wednesday, December 25, 2013: Week 40
Merry (belated) Christmas!
Christmas was kind of emotional for me...I really hoped against hope that Baby H was going to arrive on his actual due date, and that morning when I didn't feel any contractions or water breaking, I knew he wasn't going to be born that day. Yes, I got teary-eyed and emotional (damn hormones), but thanks to my loving hubby he calmed me down. We went to see 47 Ronin with my folks (a movie so bad that it was kind of funny) and then headed over to the "Wakefield Winter Wonderland" not too far from our place. We got there as early as possible which paid off-we were able to park close and walk over without too many crowds. It was really festive!
That night we watched a couple Christmas movies and played more games. Again, I was a little disappointed by Baby H's stubbornness to stay in his cozy home that is my belly, but I wasn't going to worry.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
That morning we got ready for my OBGYN appointment and planned on getting lunch with my folks afterwards. Since Baby H didn't arrive, we were under the assumption that he would take his sweet time so we banked on a New Year's baby...
Our wait at the doc's office was fairly short and we were taken to a room with an ultrasound-she wanted to check my fluid levels and see how he was doing since he was now at 40 weeks old. I couldn't see the monitor but hubby was able to see bits and pieces of Baby H. My OBGYN then said (and I apologize if this is TMI) she was going to thin out my membranes to see if she could make him come out sooner than later...well, I sat up and WHOA NELLY...I started leaking. Then gushing. I told her I think she broke my water-she grabbed a swab and petri dish, dab at what I was sitting in, then left. As I stood up to put my clothes on, more gushing. I didn't need her to tell me she broke my water, but she came back a few minutes later and said we needed to go to the hospital right then and there. I was going to have a baby!!!!!
Yay!!! I am SO glad the blog continues!!!! I look forward to reading it every day! :)