Yesterday Nancy brought Leif over around 4pm so that I could have a few co-workers meet him. The ones who I'm not facebook friends asked his name so that gave me a chance to pronounce it correctly. But everyone else around me keeps saying "Leaf". When you get a Hawaiian Lei, do you say "What a pretty lee!", you pronounce it correctly. But for some reason, when people see "Leif", they think "Leaf". I feel a little bad for our kid, he's going to be plagued his whole life with this problem. It's funny because my university has a Scandinavian Center and is predominately Scandinavian. Done with my rant.
So now this post shall be dedicated to:
The Top 10 Baby Items I'm Extremely Happy to Have
(In no particular order)
1. Sound Machine
We have this exact sound machine by Graco, and it might be a placebo or it might actually work...but I feel like it's a great cue for Leif's night-time sleep. The reason why I like this one compared to sounds on your phone or other devices is because there are different types of "white noise", and to really replicate the womb the white noise needs to be low and deep. Most of the "white noise" apps we downloaded were more high-pitched. Then while Leif is awake and we need to do a quick errand around the apartment, we put him in the crib and play the music on the sound machine. Again, could be in our heads, but he seems to enjoy the music. And if we ever wanted to, it has an mp3 hookup for your phone. Good investment!
2. Moby Wrap
I would be a complete disaster without our moby wrap. I suggest any type of carrier if your baby is/will be like Leif (never wanted to be put down!). I was able to get a lot accomplished around the apartment with Leif in the moby wrap, and walks were great because 1. It would put him to sleep and 2. I get more exercise carrying around 10+ pounds. The Moby is also great because anyone can wear it since it's just a long piece of fabric. The only downside is that I got really hot with him pressed up against me on long walks. And being in California, it's only going to get hotter. Good thing he likes his car seat/stroller now...
3. Nail File
In every infant safety kit you will find these tiny nail clippers. I seriously haven't touched those until last night, and after five minutes trying to use them I threw them and gave up. Since Leif's birth, I've been using a plain old nail file from my nail polish bag. It's easy on his nails since they aren't very hard and it doesn't take very long to file them down. Only problem is that I used to do his nails while he slept on me, but now that he's much larger, it's hard to get his hands and not move him around. Last night was a good example...I tried and tried but every time I started on a finger, he would flail his arms and rotate his head back and forth in a troubled sleep. So instead of waking him up I put him in his crib and then tried working on his nails luck. More flailing. So I'm at a point where I'll need the hubs to hold him while I work on those nails. Which leads me to...
4. Baby Gloves
If we do not put gloves on Leif at night, he will surely scratch himself. A few nights ago he gave himself a pretty good gash on his cheek, and so far most of his little scratches and cuts are very close to his eyes. So baby gloves are definitely a necessity! Lately when he wakes up in the morning his favorite thing to do is suck on the gloves, but I don't mind. I'd rather have soggy gloves then have people think he was in some sort of baby bar brawl. Yikes.
5. Bottle Cleaner
I love this bottle cleaner, since it has a sponge on top, bristles below and then the bottom unscrews to reveal something that looks like a pipe cleaner to get in those small crevices. Plus having a separate sponge cleaner vs. a regular dish sponge makes me feel like we're keeping Leif's feeding supplies way more sanitary (plus the obvious shape which is much easier to clean deep into bottles).
6. Grass Countertop Drying Rack with Twig
Drying bottles, pump accessories and milk storage containers on the Boon Grass Rack is so convenient. I highly recommend the twig due to holding the nipples and lids; the grass can get filled up quickly!
7. Pack'n Play
Even though we have a one bedroom apartment, it's nice to have another place that Leif can take naps while we keep an eye on him. Our Pack'n Play is exactly the same as the above photo, but unfortunately we never changed him on the built in changing table and Leif never really slept in the bassinet. But he takes almost all of his naps in the raised mat and it's nice that it moves down when he's able to stand up. (Thanks Barbie & Barbie's mom for this as well as for the grass/brushes!)
8. Baby Bather
This baby bather sling is wonderful-I'm able to pour water on his body and the water goes straight through the sling. It also adjusts from this lowest position to a much higher, sitting position. Leif only takes a couple baths a week, but definitely a great investment.
9. Night Lights
We have three of these night lights from IKEA, and they are all the same colors but different shapes. They are not super bright, but they help in seeing Leif for late night feedings and diaper changes. The only disadvantage: if he's a little more awake during his diaper change, he'll stare at them and not want to go back to sleep!
10. Lovey/Chew Toy
This isn't the exact lovey Leif has, but he has a blue teddy bear one and a green-striped koala one. The koala travels with him where ever we go; I'd like to think it does keep him happy/secure when we are not home. Then the blue teddy bear lovey is with him the moment he wakes up. I've had to wash both of these now a couple times due to how much he sucks on them!
So there is my top 10 list of items for Leif (not including of course the really important items like a crib, breast pump, diapers, etc).
I will leave you with my #100happydays photo from yesterday, Day 22:
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Stopped by during my lunch break to check on Leif-he was doing so well! |
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