Hi everyone,
I'm not very good at keeping up with the blog now, am I?! Happy belated Mother's Day everyone! I've ALWAYS appreciated my mom, but after becoming a mama myself, I appreciate every mom out there that much more. It is hard work! All you moms rock!!!
Last week was INTENSE. Leif started teething Monday, and that night we got about two hours of sleep. It was rough. He would wake up every half hour-hour screaming his head off. Hubby and I took turns trying to soothe him, but hubs was the champ at getting him back to sleep every time. Tuesday night Leif needed mommy, and he had to sleep with me the whole night; but at least he only woke up a few times. The rest of the week got better, but man, it was like he was a newborn all over again. I'm not looking forward to this teething stage. : \
Last week was also the last week of classes, and I'm on a nice downhill slope of relaxation at work. Summers can get pretty quiet around my office, but I welcome it. It gives me a chance to get things straightened out, prepare for the upcoming academic year, and I'll have a chance to hit the gym during my lunch breaks now. Three months until I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress AND run a 10K. It's right around the corner!
Here was my past week in photos:
Big, happy baby even though teething has been tough |
Uncle Daryl, aka Wilderness Man, stopped by Friday |
Christina drove up from San Diego to visit her folks, we were able to catch up at the mall |
Leif loves his Sea Explorer |
What I first saw when I woke up on Mother's Day. Love these two! |
From Aunt Missy for Mother's Day! :) |
One of the hubs' presents for Mother's Day was getting my car cleaned-us waiting while it was getting vacuumed. SO glad to have a clean car inside and out! |
Mini night-hike at Vasquez Rocks Mother's Day eve. |
Last night was bath night. Here's our Shark Baby! |
This week is filled with Mary Kay parties!! Today I'm going to see the consultant who recruited me work her magic, then tomorrow is my "debut party" with my co-workers; my sales director is driving up from San Diego to put on the party. Then Thursday is my very first party with a few friends, and Saturday I'm giving my friend Christina a facial. I'm nervous but excited for this new chapter in my life! I'll tell you all how it goes. :)
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