Yes, I say this ALL the time, but time flies by too quickly. Where did the weekend go?!
So get ready for a slew of cute Leif photos. Sorry. No, I'm not sorry, ha.
Nana feeding Leif the evening they flew in |
Independence Day outfit, courtesy of Nana. Leif woke up early, got him dressed in the outfit that hubs hated and said he didn't want Leif in. When he awoke and saw him in it, he broke down and said he was super cute. Ha! |
Morning walk on Independence Day, Leif gives it a thumbs up. |
Just so cute. |
Happiest baby with his Nana and Pop-Pop |
I LOVE this smile! |
After bath time on Saturday. He loves being naked |
Monday evening=new food: Sweet Potatoes! He LOVES sweet potatoes. |
Alas, Leif has been waking up every hour/hour and a half this week. We think it's growing pains/teething. Last night he was back to normal, but normal means waking every three to four hours. I'm looking forward to the night he sleeps straight...I'm surprised how well I've functioned so far. I have to give a big thanks to coffee on that one. And I really don't know how single parents do it...I brought home veggies yesterday to make Leif's food since it's cheaper to make rather than buy. Leif kept himself occupied here and there, but even though the video I watched said it takes an hour to prepare like three different types of food, it took me over two and a half hours to prepare sweet potatoes alone while watching Leif. And I wasn't able to cook dinner last night (or the night before) until about 8:30ish, when Leif went down to sleep (forgot to mention that hubs was attending his night classes the last couple nights). But, I still was able to make tons of sweet potato to freeze/refrigerate, I steamed green beans to puree tonight, made steak for dinner, successfully fed Leif and gave him a bath, fed the dog, and EVEN shed a couple pounds this morning!!! So, I consider all of this a big success. I'm going to hit the gym on my lunch break, let's hope I don't pass out in the middle of stretching or something crazy.
And now that my 100 days of happiness project is over, I'm not taking as many hopefully I'll be updating the blog weekly, but if I disappear, my apologies. Not much is happening in the next couple weeks, but if something exciting does happen I'll be sure to tell you (all three of you???). :)
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