Again, dumb Daylight Savings, making me all tired. I turned off my alarm clock this morning without realizing and woke up at the time I was supposed to be leaving for work...even Leif wasn't awake. But hey, got to work around normal time so it goes to show I can get ready in 5-10 minutes flat!
Overall I had a really nice week. Things have been pretty awesome, no complaints!!!
Wednesday, March 4
Happy birthday to my best friend across the country, Barbie! Happy birthday Pa! Is it coincidence that some of my favorite people share a birthday???
Wednesday also marked the day where Leif clearly said his first phrase...
He found daddy's water bottle and kept playing/drinking with it... |
He would push the drinking apparatus down and freak out because he couldn't get it back up. So I whipped out my phone to video him throwing a tantrum to send to hubs...instead, he kept saying, "Uh oh!" It was the cutest! I would post it here but it's two minutes long and probably wouldn't upload... |
Thursday, March 9
Since Hubs started his new class, I had to run home to let the dog out and now that the sun is setting a little later, I was able to give Miles a walk. Leif was in the best mood when I picked him up from daycare, and every once in a while on the walk Leif would just look up and smile at me. He's seriously the sweetest little boy ever.
Friday, March 10
Day went by slowly, but then Hair time!
Don't I look gorgeous? eh eh eh... |
After! I decided I wanted to stay light, but add some red and do kind of an ombre. It's hard to see in this light! |
Saturday, March 7
We went and got our favorite sushi since our last sushi run in Simi Valley wasn't that great...yay Sumo Sushi!
I had to take a photo of my roll before I ate them all-it's called "Heart Attack" - spicy tuna, jalapeƱo and avocado with panko on top. SO delicious. And then cucumber & avocado rolls in the background, and yellow tail sushi for hubs in the background. |
Out of all the food we got for Leif, he devoured the veggie spring roll. Good to know we can give him veggies that way... |
Leif watched me eat with my chopsticks, then try to feed him with them, so he imitated me but didn't have it quite right... |
I forgot to mention we did a Target run before sushi, and here's hubs goofing around Saturday night with Leif's new towel...
Everyone wanted to get in on the fun :) |
Sunday, March 8
What do Disneyland Annual Passholders do?
Why, go to Disneyland, of course!
Hubs woke up with a nasty cold but he was determined to take the family to Disneyland. Such a dedicated husband.
Since we didn't get there until around 12pm after parking, we decided to grab lunch at the Rainforest Cafe in Downtown Disney before going into the park.
Waiting for our table-Rasta Leif mon! |
Had a get a super quick photo of Leif in before he took off the frog crown |
Entertaining squirmy toddler Leif |
Food was really not that great, and I actually blame my fish and chips for making me feel a little queazy towards the end of the trip, but I'll get there soon...but we will not be returning! Too expensive for bland food.
Upwards and onwards...
Right after lunch we bolted to California Adventure where they put on this Disney Jr. Show-sort of a live show meets puppets from the popular Disney Jr. cartoons-Sophia the 1st (?), Doc McStuffins, Mickey's Clubhouse and Jake the Pirate. What's funny is I brought Leif there so that he could move around and dance if he wanted to-but he just wanted to sit in my lap and watch the whole time-I tried putting him on his feet when all the other little kids got up, but he just plopped right back down. It was the most attentive I've ever seen him! |
Rocket ride! |
Leif passed out early, so we ended up grabbing a Starbucks drink in Disneyland and walking around while he slept |
Later we hit Toon Town, where the main characters live. This is Minnie's House! |
Playing with Minnie's dishwasher |
In front of Mickey's house-you can see my hand...I was trying to make sure he didn't fall since he's up high! |
Goofy's piano makes noises and Leif LOVED it. We had to pull him away. Piano player in the making. |
Doesn't it look like he's reading the music?! |
In front of Donald's boat |
Back in Goofy's play area-Leif was able to move around and stretch his legs! |
Since hubs wanted to take sunset pictures back in California Adventure, we wandered back and afterwards took Leif to the pier area so that he could walk around...
He was amazed by the water fountain! |
Aaaaand we had to pull him away from this too, which was tough. |
We went back to our locker with the diaper bag and as we sat down with the sun setting, exhaustion kicked in for both of us. We decided to head over to Disneyland so that I could get a pretzel and hang out until the fireworks. But then I started feeling nauseous and after we fed Leif a light dinner of fruit and toddler crunchies, we headed back to the car around 7:45. Thankfully I started feeling better but hubs' congestion was terrible. It was smart we left when we did.
When we got home, we ate this:
O. M. G. Probably my new favorite at Disneyland-it's a Raspberry Macaron with raspberry filling and real raspberries. It's the size of my palm and it was DELICIOUS. |
You will probably see a lot more Disney posts now that we have passes. :) I'm so happy!