Time is going so fast! I'm sure you've heard me say that a bazillion times...
Here are a few photos of the past week or so:
Sunday, March 15
Gymboree bubble fun |
This little girl, Fiona, was super cute and pointing at everything. |
My happy little boy |
After Gymboree we headed to our favorite sushi place, Sumo Sushi! It was delicious as always. |
We even found a dish Leif liked-Udon Noodles (thus the weird wormy looking things on the plate). He had fun trying to feed me-he does this to the dolls at daycare too and is over the moon! |
Wednesday, March 18
Came home with a cuddly Leif |
Thursday, March 19
This is Leif opening his Citrus Lane box; funny how he wasn't really interested in the items but LOVED the packing paper strips (all those little brown things on the carpet). He would take them out, put them back in the box, and repeat. |
Saturday, March 21
Leif had a weird stomach ache in the middle of the night and then woke up early, so I got up and made lots of coffee while Leif watched Doc McStuffins. He's starting to really pay attention to TV so I'm able to get a few things done while he watches...it's a good thing and a bad thing. I don't want him hooked on TV! |
Concert night! I was all jitters all day so it was nice to perform finally. Concert went well, I performed okay, but I think we're going to try and re-record it since it wasn't perfect. It's so scary performing when the composer is in the front row! |
Sunday, March 22
Hubs slipped one of his Seahawk jerseys on Leif. Leif loved it-even though he kept tripping all over the place, he was having a good time with Daddy's shirt. |
And here we are today. Yesterday I was in a mad scramble to finish Leif's 9-12 month scrapbook since Shutterfly was having a big discount on photo books. There was so much going on at work but I managed to finish! I had over 800 photos to sort through!
Before I forget, big shout outs to:
-My brother Avery-Happy Birthday!
-My folks-Happy Anniversary!
-Ann, my beautiful mother-in-law: hope you are recovering nicely!
The weather is warming up and I'm ready for summer already. Next week is spring break and we get Friday off-yay three day weekend!
Good job with your saxamophone!