Hi everyone!
What an incredible week we've had! Just a quick note-being a mom/parent to a toddler has so many highs and lows, I feel like I'm constantly running at full-steam with little rest. It's nuts.
Anyway, here's my run down in photos, recapping back to the previous week... :)
Thursday, March 26
So Leif has had some serious stomach/diarrhea issues in the past couple weeks so I took him to his new pediatrician 10 minutes away from our house. Everything seems fine, but he had a restricted diet including NO dairy (which he'd been having almost every single day). We did the diet but he still has creamy poop (probably TMI). He has another checkup this week and hoping he doesn't have a lactose intolerance :/ |
Friday, March 27
Our cute tank top boy hanging out |
Saturday, March 28
While daddy vacuumed the house, Miles, Leif and I went for a stroll around the neighborhood. It was only 9:30am and it was already heating up quick! |
Sunday, March 29
Leif in his big bath tub. My bathroom (yes, we have two bathrooms and we kind of split them into his/hers!) is a work in progress. It's coming along! |
Monday, March 30
I took a run during lunch-down hill for a mile, then back up the hill to Trader Joe's then ran back to work. It was about 2.8 miles! And I got this. THIS is my favorite salad now at Trader Joe's-Citrus Chicken Salad. It's only 200 calories or something but it's so delicious! |
Running around with an IKEA nightlight |
Running around with a paper towel roll. Yes, we are working on the "No mouth" at the moment. Hard to break! |
Tuesday, March 31
Since Matt had the day off, I was able to get it off last minute too, being Spring Break and all. The morning started out rough (don't want to get into it!), BUT of course once we made it to Disneyland, everything got much better. :)
When we arrived, the characters were performing with a Dixieland band! |
Our little hipster Tigger. |
First thing we did after lunch was sail over to the Pirate's Island so that Leif could run around. He had so much fun! Here's Leif and Daddy watching the Mark Twain Riverboat cruising by. |
Snack stop! |
Our delicious Mickey Pistachio Macarons... |
Om nom nom! |
Longest line we had to wait in was for the Dumbo ride, but it was worth it! |
Nap time |
Early evening we found a Wilderness Camp in California Adventure that was kind of "Up" themed, for the boy scout Russell. It was really neat and aimed at older kids, but there were a couple things that Leif could do. He had lots of fun crossing these bridges! |
This was taken before we left California Adventure to see the short fireworks in Disneyland. They weren't as great and we were thinking it was because it was a weekday, but at least Leif got to see his first firework display! |
Wednesday, April 1
Barbie sent us Christmas/birthday gifts! |
Cute outfit Barbie! Thank you! |
Awesome book! And he loved his new phone! Thank you!! |
Thursday, April 2
Ah, my Friday. Work was so quiet, and for lunch I went out with my co-worker Michael for Mexican. Um...
Celebrating spring break ;) |
Friday, April 3
We dropped Leif off at daycare so that we could clean the house and then use the gift card hubs got me for Christmas at Sugarfish sushi!
edamame time |
Tuna Sashimi |
I was a little nervous about sashimi (no rice!), but it was tasty! |
Albacore and Salmon sushi. Overall it was good, but for the amount of food and the price it was ridiculous. Doubt we will be returning; we still love Sumo Sushi above all else! |
Sugarfish is located in Calabasas, a rich area...I think the Kardashians live there as well as Jennifer Lopez, Drake, Justin Bieber (blech) and many more celebrities. Anyway, the shopping area had a huge turtle pond! This was just one turtle, but on a neighboring rock there were at least seven just hanging out. |
Saturday, April 4
Beach day! We went to a dog beach last year (pretty much around the same time!) but this was Leif's first time playing in the sand and being aware he was at a beach. :)
Snack/lunch before play |
Having lots of fun playing in the sand. Look behind him-it was so empty for being a Saturday morning at 10am! It did fill up more when we left, but it was nice not being so crowded. This was Zuma Beach in Malibu. |
Most successful selfie I could take of us...he likes to move around! |
Playing with daddy |
We tried to get him to play in the water but it was freezing cold and he panicked every time the water touched his feet. So sand play it was! |
Since we left the beach before noon, we were really close to the outlet mall in Camarillo so we did a little shopping, one of my favorite past-times. :) Here we are at the Disney store trying on "Planes" sunglasses! |
Lunch break at Pick Up Stix. Yum! |
Sunday, April 5
Happy birthday to my niece Ari! And Happy Easter! Leif's first Easter Egg hunt!
Had to take this photo quick-he didn't like the bunny ears. |
What better way to enjoy Easter/God's gifts then to go on a hike!
We tried to hit a hiking trail called "Stagecoach Road", but it was private property so we found this park not too far from our house. |
Leif was fussy and we realized he just wanted to hike on his own. Then we found this shady area and he wanted to play. :) |
Stick galore! |
He fell asleep halfway through the hike... |
Still asleep when we got to the car. It was a short hike but I was exhausted from carrying him. He woke up when I took him out of the carrier and flipped out on me-didn't want to get in the car seat until I brought out his favorite toddler snack, Lil' Crunchies. He's growing up so fast. |
Long day... |
We ended up coming home and watching half of Toy Story 3 then took a quick trip over to IKEA. We bought a lot of stuff just for Leif! When we drove home, Leif fell asleep and continued to sleep while I made dinner. I thought he was going to wake up early so I put him in his pack and play next to the kitchen, but he didn't wake up until 9pm! He ate at the tail-end of our dinner (yummy ham from Trader Joe's), but then as I was trying to put him down he kept freaking out. 11pm rolled around and I had to bring him into our bed, get him to fall asleep, get ready for bed then bedtime.
He's been nursing all night a couple nights now and it's getting to be a pain. I'm going to talk to his pediatrician about possibly weaning sooner than later because my supply has taken a dip, but Leif may not be ready for it. AND because of his frenzied nursing, he's been such a mama's boy lately, which hurts hubs's feelings. I had to rush to get ready this morning because he was having a hard time with me leaving him with hubs. I had basically 10 minutes! But like my title says, I've had the best week ever and I wouldn't trade my time with anyone else, even if it means me getting less than 1-hour of continuous sleep at night. My cold is finally gone and I'm hoping I don't get sick again anytime soon-but that's easier said than done, seeing how my lack of sleep is affecting my immune system. My mantra has been: This time is short. He will not be sleeping in bed with us or nursing that long in the grand scheme of things. I have to appreciate the cuddle time before he's a stinky teenage boy wanting to get away from us! Okay, I will never let him be stinky, but he will come to a point in his life where he pushes away from us and I accept that. Until then, bring on the toddler time!
What a great week! You deserve it Nichi! Also - that TJ's salad is my favorite too!!!