I apologize to those who have seen most of these photos on Facebook, but here we go!
Friday, July 3
Of course the night before we left for Washington, Leif woke up at 3am screaming his head off which prompted him to "sleep" with us...sleep meaning awake from 3-5am, then waking up at 8am which threw us all off. I had been awake until 12:30am packing, and so I was exhausted when we all finally woke up and then had to scramble around to get everything finished before taking off for the airport. I realized once we hit the road that I forgot SO many things.
We made it to the airport parking lot just fine, and once we boarded the plane, they told us we had to move from the last row (which I did not choose-I had called Alaska Airlines ahead of time to tell them about Leif and they had switched us around), and we moved from sitting next to a nice man to a scowling young woman who wanted nothing to do with us. Good times.
The plane ride was okay-Leif didn't sleep at all, and was squirmy here and there, so we were glad it was a 2-hour plane ride.
The worst moment of the trip-obtaining our pre-paid rental car. Leif fell asleep on the shuttle over to the rental car area, and remained asleep for the 30 minutes it took Hubs to wait in line/talk to the rental car employee. It was ridiculous. Then installing the car seat was a beast, but Hubs got the job done. We landed around 1pm-we didn't leave the airport until 3pm. UGH.
We needed to grab some lunch so we stopped at the Northgate Mall, had mediocre food at the Ram, then walked around to let Leif get some energy out.
He checked all the candy machines and found two skittles which he gave to his daddy right away. :) |
Found a little toddler play area-he kept going back and forth between this piano and a rocket ship. |
We arrived at Nana and PopPop's house and Leif soon became very comfortable. Here he is playing with the duck call Nana got him from their cruise to Alaska. |
After we put Leif to bed, Missy, Hubs and I grabbed a drink at the Mukilteo Sports Lodge. This is my flight of beers-they were all pretty delicious! |
Saturday, July 4
Wedding day!
Leif loved this antique horse at Nana & PopPop's house. He's still too small to make it go, but probably on the next visit he'll be able to maneuver it! |
After a quick ferry ride and a scenic drive, we arrived at the Rocky Point Recreation Park on Whidbey Island for my cousin's wedding.
Waiting around before the wedding ceremony-matching son and father! |
Family photo :) |
Right before the ceremony-keeping Leif occupied with bubbles. |
The beautiful bride Krystal and groom Bob after the ceremony |
Waiting around during cocktail hour |
Taking photos in their outdoor photo booth |
Family photo! |
This one is my favorite-besides my cousin looking gorgeous, Leif was captured throwing up a peace sign! |
After photos, lunch time in the beautifully decorated reception area! |
Delicious buffet lunch |
Grandpa and his cutie grandson Ash! |
My lovely brother and sister-in-law |
Lola playing with Leif |
Yay :) |
It was great to see my favorite aunt! |
Leif needed to get more energy out, so we played outside during the reception. |
Here's Krystal's Maid of Honor giving a speech-we left shortly after. |
Leif slept the entire way home and after getting dinner with the Hovland family, Leif went to bed and we watched the fireworks on TV. A pretty relaxed night for us!
Sunday, July 5
We met up with my folks and my brother Avery's family for breakfast in Lynnwood...
Ash is such a cute baby! |
My pretty sister-in-law feeding Ash |
We let Ari have Leif's coloring book while waiting for breakfast. She has grown up so much! |
Leif playing with Grandpa's coffee cups |
Goofball! |
After breakfast, we picked up Missy and Nana and visited the Seattle Aquarium! |
I love my Sister-in-Law! |
Cutest Jellyfish ever. |
Lunch at Red Robin |
We were in a good mood when we got there, but it took forever to get our food and it turned out really poor. Hubs took charge and spoke to the manager-we weren't charged for anything and we barely touched our food except for Leif, who gobbled up his mac and cheese. |
We walked around on the waterfront and Leif got his choice of three different ice cream flavors (mine not pictured was good old-fashioned vanilla, my favorite)... |
Nana's strawberry ice cream was the winner! |
After our trip to Seattle, we came home and played outside-look at that face! |
He loved this sprinkler! |
After drying off, he decided to organize Nana & PopPop's DVD collection. |
We put Leif down after grabbing dinner from a Mexican restaurant and then went to visit friends in Ballard for a little bit. We didn't get back until 12:30am, and that was super rough considering we had to wake up at 4:30am to return the rental car/catch our flight at 7:40am. UGH.
Leif was in great spirits! |
Since we had a little time, we found a toddler play area for Leif! He was the only one playing-there were people on the benches sleeping though which was a little awkward... |
He started rolling around on the ground after playing so hard which we took as a sign to get going. He slept most of the flight and arrived home safe and sound. |
It was such a short trip but we had a great time. We want to return again this summer, but we'll see if we can afford to. Leif will be two soon and that means we have to buy him a seat! Once that happens we're not sure if we'll be able to fly as much as we do now...it'll be so expensive! But I'm glad he did such an amazing job and we already miss Washington. We'll be back soon hopefully...
All of those Washington pictures make my heart ache!!! Glad you guys had such a nice time. :)