Holy cow, has it really been over a month since I've posted? So sorry family and friends! Here I am to bring you laughter and joy (or boredom, but hopefully not!)...
Thursday, August 6
This kid loves sitting in the driver's seat |
Friday, August 7
In the mornings when I'm in a rush, I set Leif down on top of the counter (I stay close, don't worry) and feed him breakfast/snacks. He was excited to be able to pick his own grapes off the stem. |
Saturday, August 8
After Leif's done with his breakfast, he likes to come around and sit on daddy's lap and either eat or feed him... |
Good fork work Leif! |
Sunday, August 9
Beach day! We didn't stay very long because it was crowded, Leif didn't want to go near the water, and it was really hot. |
Tuesday, August 11
Hubs had the day off and since it's so quiet in my office, I took a vacation day and we hit up Disneyland! :) |
Saturday, August 22
We took Leif on a mini-hike in the Santa Monica mountains-he had a really fun time exploring the great outdoors! |
Notice behind him that it's not all outdoorsy...it was on this weird property with lots of old structures. Looked like it could have been a place for weddings if the buildings weren't so dilapidated. |
Here I took a long hiatus of no photos...but then the in-laws came to visit this past weekend! Yay Nana and Pop Pop!
Saturday, September 5
On our way to the L.A. County Fair! |
Leif got to pet and feed sheep and goats for the first time ever! |
The feeding was fine until more than three surrounded him...it was a little overwhelming but he had a lot of fun. |
1st Place Cow, way to go Hubs and Leif! |
Lunch break with Nana! |
Nana and Leif in a tractor! |
Farmer Leif is excited to plow the fields! |
They had this expo hall filled with children's toys and such. Great place for Leif to explore! |
I wish I had gotten a few more photos, but we tried Deep Fried Guacamole balls and Kool Aid balls! The Kool Aid balls were gross...but the guacamole was delicious and filling! We didn't stay too long because it got super hot; I carried Leif out of the fair and to the car since he fell asleep on me and I was a sweaty mess once we took off. But it was a really fun trip to the fair!
Sunday, September 6
We decided to hit up the Camarillo Outlet Mall where Leif scored lots of new pajamas (he's pretty much outgrown all of them!), his Halloween costume (that'll be a surprise), and Hubs and I got a few things from Columbia and the Disney store too. :) Oh, and for our Three Year Anniversary (back on September 2, but it was a Wednesday and we didn't really celebrate except for a steak dinner I made), Hubs took me to the Fossil store where I got to pick out a new purse and wallet...three-years is leather. :) (I gave Hubs his presents Friday evening-a leather/cloth travel toiletry bag that can hang on the door, new fun socks since he's now a collector, and a Seahawk jersey with our last name/#12).
Lunch break at Pick-Up Stix, an Asian fast food place sort of like Panda Express. Leif loves playing with chopsticks! |
Trying fortune cookies for the first time-he liked them! |
Nana and Pop Pop watched Leif that night while we went to dinner at Maggiano's for our Anniversary. Yummy and filling Italian food! I love this man! Three years has flown by so quickly! |
Monday, September 7
Leif was ready to go to the Santa Barbara Zoo! |
Ann wanted to take a photo of me since her friend Cindy wanted to see me... |
The zoo was really nice and the animals were fun, but it was hotter than we expected. I took more photos with Hubs' phone since I left mine in the car, but he hasn't sent them to me yet! Oh well. It was a really fun trip and we had some yummy Mexican food afterwards, but at a restaurant that was poorly run and busy. Traffic was crazy going home so we stopped at a farmer's stand where they had goats, sheep, llamas and chickens that you could feed. Double duty farm animals for Leif! All in all, it was a really wonderful weekend with the In-Laws and Leif loved having them around. We were sad to see them go, but we will be back in Washington in less than two months. :)
So the main reason why I've been gone so long from my blog is because...
SURPRISE!!!! :) Baby H #2 decided to sneak up on us just like Leif, but I caught this one way earlier! I actually found out about it around August 10 when I took a few at-home tests because I was feeling way off/bloated. And I told Hubs about it on August 11, when we went to Disneyland! I figured where else would I tell him such happy news?! Of course I told him in the early morning before he wanted to drag me to Space Mountain. That Thursday I went to my doctor to confirm, and then this ultrasound was taken on Thursday, September 3rd. She thinks my due date is around April 11th, but she wants me to come back in four weeks for another ultrasound just to confirm. :) :) :)
This little one has made my life a lot harder than Leif did...I've been hungry every two hours, and when the hunger hits, it's more nausea than anything. It's finally wearing off though as I wind down in the first trimester, thankfully! Every day at 6pm though, nausea would hit me and I'd have to lay down. Rough times! We wanted to tell our family once this ultrasound was taken, thus my hiatus...so much has been on my mind lately! Now that the ultrasound has finally been taken, we're more excited than nervous/anxious. It's still a little hard to believe that we're going to have another baby next year! I did want another one close to Leif's age, so this is all fine and dandy.
My co-workers bombarded me a couple weeks ago to do one of those mid-wife tests to determine the sex of the baby....they took my wedding rings and put it on a thread, touched my belly as I sat in a chair, and then lifted up very slowly and held still. If the ring moves back and forth, it's a boy; circular, it's a girl. Both ladies did it, and both times they were very still...and both times it eerily started moving in a circle! Cross your fingers it's a girl! :)
I'll try to keep you more updated on life and what not now that the baby is out of the bag... hardy har har. :) Happy Hump Day everyone!