Let's just say it's been a rough week at work. I'd rather not elaborate.
But, to cheer me up, I'm going to post photos of my cutie pie.
Saturday, September 12: Just chillin', watching cartoons |
Sunday, September 13: He learned how to dump out all his mega blocks and then run around with the holder on his head. But before that, high five! |
Sunday, September 13: Fun bath time! I wish his hair would just stay that way, I like it down vs. his crazy wild hair ... |
Monday, September 14: Hubs picked up Leif from daycare and once they got home, Leif proceeded to throw up all over him. Then when I got home after grabbing groceries, he threw up on the kitchen floor/my feet, then on me and my hands the third time. He was his normal self by 8:30pm; had a fever the next day, but acted normal. Poor guy. |
And there you go, your weekly Leif photo dose. :)
We are off to San Diego on Friday for my friend's wedding rehearsal and I'm excited to just get away for a little bit. Wedding is Saturday, and then Lego Land on Sunday! Fun times!
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