It has been a very rough week for our little family... first, the good:
Saturday, September 26
This was the most well behaved Leif has ever been at a restaurant! We tried a new Greek place and the waitresses loved him. He kept saying hi to one in particular, our little flirt. |
That weekend we decided to try something new-sit Leif at his own big boy table without being strapped in. He did great, and has been fine here and there...but the last few days we put him back in his strapped chair just because he keeps getting up and not eating much... |
That night we tried something I found on Pinterest-tub painting! Once he's done you just wash him and the paint right down the drain, easy clean up! |
Tuesday, September 29
For you non-Facebook friends, this is what we used for the announcement...second ultrasound and baby is doing great! Even though the original due date was April 11, the technician measured it and said it looks more like April 7...I'm taking bets people! But more importantly, baby is very healthy and doing fine. :) |
Wednesday, September 30
Cutest thing happened that night...Leif would grab a book, then slowly climb onto the rocking chair and act like he was reading. He did this about three times. Love that he's interested in his books! |
Saturday, October 3
So to redeem our "vacation" to San Diego, we decided to spend the weekend at Disneyland since this is probably my favorite time of year to go. I love the decorations and they change the Haunted Mansion! Things were going pretty well...
Leif had an obsession with sticking his fingers in our mouths that day...but this photo was taken in front of A Small World, where we waited for 45 minutes and almost got to the front of the line...where we watched it break down. Wah waaah. |
And then things went downhill from there. Hubs started feeling sick, like food poisoning sick. He tried sticking it out but we just couldn't make it until Fantasmic, so we ended up going to our hotel early (early being 8pm). Leif was already asleep by then anyway, and my back was aching from carrying Leif around all day (he didn't want daddy and didn't want stroller, sigh). So I was happy to go back as we planned on hitting Disneyland the next day anyway. The hotel and room were really pretty (here are a couple photos from their website):
This looked exactly like our room, and the wallpaper behind the TV was this ethereal forest in grays. It was so nice! |
Didn't see fireworks, but this is the hotel! |
While Hubs stayed with Leif in the room, I went down and ordered food for us from their restaurant and got some tummy meds for Hubs. The food was delicious once I brought it back up to the room! That night Leif kept tossing and turning, and of course woke up in the middle of the night calling for me (he was in his own bed), so I had to sleep with him which was more like half-sleep. Good times.
Sunday, October 4
Leif was a little warm when he awoke, but still in good spirits. While I got ready, Hubs watched Leif play in the room... |
Can't see me! |
So as we walked into Disneyland that morning, Hubs still felt really ill. He stuck it out and we hit the Haunted Mansion and Pirates, both of which Leif was a trooper on, but Hubs felt worse afterwards. The weather was awesome and rainy, but the park was way more packed than we thought it would be. Leif was also not in a good mood, and so we decided it was time to leave. Can you believe the park was packed by 11:00am?! So our trip wasn't the greatest, but we have passes so I'm not deterred that we'll hit it up one more time at least before Christmas decorations go up!
Monday, October 5
Our sick kid |
Leif was running a fever Sunday evening, and it did not go away the next day. I took the day off to be with him, and you know your kid is sick when his usual short attention span/playfulness deteriorates...we ended up watching movies almost all day long. He just had no energy to do anything, poor guy. I didn't mind staying home with him though, as fall weather was finally here and it rained on and off all day. I love being home on those kinds of days, but I don't love that my kid was feeling under the weather. We thought it was some serious teething, but that night he developed a really terrible cough and wheeze while sleeping.
Tuesday, October 6
Leif had to come into bed with us early on the night before since his cough and wheezing kept waking him up. He was up a lot and finally passed out between 6:30 and 8:30am. He woke up with a little pep and actually ate something (before he wouldn't eat much), but then he started getting whiney and fussy. His fever went down, but I still made an appointment with his doc at 2pm.
Quick nap time in the morning... |
Doctor's office. He had his checkup which he did not like, and then we had to wait for the news on whether it was croup (a viral infection) or strep throat. He fell asleep on me while we waited. Doc said it was not strep, so the nurse came in (about 20 minutes later, ugh) with his steroid shot. Leif took it fine, and we were finally able to leave. |
I had to run to the auto store to pick up quick tire sealant as one of my tires had a slow leak and I didn't have time to bring it in, then grabbed a super late lunch for us...
Back to better spirits and eating food! |
I think food helped; he grabbed my toes, |
Ate them, |
And thought he was just so funny. :) |
After lunch and playtime I decided to break out the hiking carrier and took a walk around the block. He did fine in it; that morning I tried taking him out in his car and he did not like that. |
Leif still wasn't fully with it on Wednesday, but when I dropped him off at daycare he was back to his normal self and they said he was fine. I had to get my tire checked out after work, so Hubs picked Leif up and apparently it was a disaster. He broke down and sat at the door calling for me, poor guy. Poor Hubs, all he wants to do is take care of Leif/love him, but he's such a mama's boy, especially when he's sick. :(
BTW, there was a large nail stuck in my tire. Glad I had that looked at.
Thursday Leif was kind of the same, and he threw a fit with me when I tried to get him into his carseat. Parenting is no joke. I was a sweaty mess after 10 minutes of trying to strap him down, it was nuts (also because it was 95 degrees outside, ugh).
I got him to sleep early and he kept coughing all night long until eventually in the middle of the night he woke me up on the video monitor calling for mom. So, he slept with us for the remainder of the night.
And here we are today...Leif was in great spirits this morning, and when I dropped him off at daycare he blew me a kiss and waved goodbye, so that was nice. Hubs just picked him up and took him in to the doc for a follow-up, and this is the photo he sent me:
I'm so glad he's feeling better!!! |
Aaaaand, it's about 98 degrees outside. I miss fall weather! I can't wait until the heat is gone.
Sorry most of my photos and updates are about Leif, but he really is most of my life now. I love that little guy to pieces! And of course, my Hubs takes up the other part of my life. He's been such a wonderful partner and friend. Oh, and can't forget about Miles, yes, he's a good pup. :)
I want to start including photos that are not of Leif/home projects/things I like/what I'm thankful for, so I took this last night. I generally have a brown thumb and have killed many house plants, but my bathroom plants are going strong!!!
My hanging plant is thriving and will soon take over the bathroom... |
And there is my update. I'm glad my little family is on the mend; I get so stressed out when someone is sick, and I shouldn't stress since I'm pregnant. I also wish I had more time to workout...I remember when I was pregnant with Leif, I would do a workout after work, cook dinner, and feel accomplished. Now I pick up Leif after work, get him fed, watch/play with him, get him ready for bed, cook dinner and eat around 9pm, make Leif's lunch, then if I'm not exhausted do some house chores and then maybe relax for about half an hour. And I do not want to work out in that short time before bed because I'm so tired by then! I could wake up at 5am to work out, but lately that has been Leif's wakeup time. So we'll see if I can squeeze in some exercise soon, I'd like that.
Lastly, only three more weeks until we travel back up to Washington! Yaaaaay!!! :) :) :)
Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Wish us luck, we're hitting the 100s again...this heat will never end!