Hi everyone!
Yes, it's been a while. I was actually contemplating taking a little break from the blog as a lot has been going on lately, but it is rather nice looking back and seeing our little family grow/documenting everything. So here I am. :)
First let me post photos of our trip back home to Washington/where I left off (bare with me, it's like those old school family slide shows where you gather in the living room while your aunt/uncle/grandpa/grandma shows every detail of their trip. I tried being selective but it was hard!)...
Friday, December 18
This was my last day of my previous job. It was actually hectic trying to finish everything that faculty requested, and trying to fit in my goodbyes to my favorite people. I left not finishing a couple things, but I did way more than I think most people would have! Felt a little bittersweet leaving, but mostly a big relief. In the last few weeks, Hubs will ask, "Doesn't it feel good to come home and not complain about anyone?" Yes, yes it does.
Anyway, that Friday night Hubs made shaved ice for us (with the shaved ice machine I got him for Christmas :))...
Leif LOVES shaved ice! |
Saturday, December 19
Since we love our little guy and spoiled him for Christmas, we spread out opening presents over a couple weeks...plus I think he was overwhelmed. He did master opening presents though by the time Christmas/his birthday actually rolled around. One of his FAVORITE presents:
Sunday, December 20
More presents to open! |
Monday, December 21
We woke up around 3:45am to get ready/fly out of CA. I somehow managed to function and loading Leif wasn't bad at all. Early flights are the worst, but we booked our trip a little late and took what we could get!
Getting some energy out before boarding the plane |
Hubs looks tired, but Leif was ready to fly! |
Tuesday, December 22
We made it just fine to Washington, got our rental car fine, and of course Leif LOVED being at Nana and PopPop's home. We didn't do too much the next day, just checked out the cool costume Nana got Leif...
Sort of... |
There we go. Part of Leif's gnome costume to wear on Christmas Eve...will explain later. |
Wednesday, December 23
Since my brother Avery and his family were spending Christmas Eve/Christmas in Portland, we celebrated my immediate family's Christmas on the 23rd.
My brother John got my nephew Lance the same sweater he's wearing. Classic John move. |
My brother Avery and sister-in-lawAmy (Christmas was at their house) |
Leif hanging out with Grandpa |
Hubs with niece Ari |
Grandpa loves his grandkids |
Almost the whole brood! |
I love my mom. |
Fun times right before we dispersed. |
Thursday, December 24
Family day with the Hovlands/Griffens!
So Uncle Alan wanted to go celebrate Leif Erikson's....birthday? Landing? I wasn't really sure exactly why we took Leif to the Leif Erikson statue in Ballard, but we did celebrate three generations of "Leifs" (Uncle Alan's first name is really Leif, then our cousin's middle name is Leif I believe, then our little Leif).
Gnomes=Scandinavian, thus the gnome costume. :)
Our little fam with Leif Erikson |
The Hovlands (Penny is a Griffen now, but originally a Hovland) |
my little gnome |
After chasing Leif around in the mud, we were able to get back in the car and back to the Griffen's home in Ballard for our annual Christmas Eve dinner and new White Elephant gift exchange.
I forgot who provided the cool Christmas glasses-each set changed the lights into a Christmas themed image-so for example, one pair was snowflakes, one pair snowmen, etc. They were actually really cool! |
I was the last to draw in the White Elephant exchange (best place to be), and I stole a pair of 3-D glasses for your iPhone. They're pretty cool and Leif loved it-he's showing Nana how it works. |
Cousin Tim and his wife Chau got a pretty cool present-I think it's for serving cheese and writing what it is in chalk, but it can be used on the wall too. I almost stole it... |
Friday, December 25 - Merry Christmas!
I didn't get too many photos of us opening presents, but it was a very good Christmas indeed.
Leif got new bath crayons which he uses almost every time he takes a bath now. |
Aunt Missy opening a present |
Yummy chocolate from his stocking |
It's very hard to tell in this photo, but it was a Christmas miracle-it started snowing! It didn't stick, but it was cool to see. We don't experience snow in Los Angeles! |
Later on PopPop played with the cars he got Leif-they had lots of fun. |
Saturday, December 26
Since our cousins were celebrating their daughter's first birthday on Leif's actual birthday, we decided to hold his 2nd Birthday Party that Saturday. Let the festivities begin!
Earlier that afternoon Leif had his second taste of Chocolate Pudding. He loves it now. |
While Hubs and Nana left to pick up Leif's TWO cakes, we watched Toy Story 3. His Buzz hat was courtesy of Aunt Missy! She's crafty! |
Finally, cake time! Leif's Baskin Robbins ice cream Toy Story cake...it was delicious. |
Leif blowing out the candle on his other cake, a Toy Story sheet cake from Albertson's. |
Yay cake! |
"Auntie" Cindy and "Uncle" Bob got Leif a "sax-o-flute", a toy that you can build to create an instrument. It only has three holes and kind of plays music, but Leif had a good time. |
My bestie Barbie won the toy of the night award-he played with "Darth Tater" for almost three hours straight. |
He also loved his huge Buzz balloon you see behind him! It's still in Washington, but we will get it down to CA sometime... |
It was lovely to see my friend Sara! |
And of course it was wonderful to see Barbie and her family...I haven't seen her since her wedding about a year and a half ago! I wish we had more time to spend together! I love her dad and his sense of humor too...;) |
Bella had a great time too. :) |
Sunday, December 27
Leif's actual birthday! I can't believe we have a 2-year old now. He's been growing in leaps and bounds, and is so chatty-he doesn't make any sense, but he's trying. I love him more every day.
That Sunday morning we were able to see my old saxophone professor/boss for breakfast! Leif wasn't the best behaved, but it could have been worse. He was just very squirrelly.
I call him my second dad, so he told us to call him Grandpa Mike. :) |
That evening was Isabel's First Birthday party (our cousin's daughter). She seemed like she had a wonderful time! Leif had a great time too because there were a few kids there and lots of toys to play with. |
We left a little early from the party to meet up with my folks and Barbie & Andy again for dinner! I was so glad we got the chance to hang out once more. |
Monday, December 28
Another early morning to leave to the airport. Leif was sick the whole trip (AGAIN), and woke up in the middle of the night so he had to sleep with us...which led to kicking daddy all night. Daddy was not a happy camper as he got about two hours of sleep. But we made it to the airport with plenty of time to walk around/grab breakfast. We spent the day unwinding/cleaning up the house, and by the time dinner time rolled around, Leif was exhausted...
This was only the second time he's fallen asleep at dinner! |
It was a really good trip-exhausting as Leif was sick, then got us all sick, but it was really nice to see friends and family. Now that Baby #2 is on its way, we really aren't sure when we'll get another chance to travel since Leif now requires his own seat (so expensive!) and we can't even fathom traveling with a baby as well. We will cross that bridge when it comes....but for now, we're settled in California. Thank you friends and family for making our trip so filled with love! We miss you all!