I'm going to try and cram the end of December/month of January into one post...I didn't think a lot happened, but going through my photos, we had some very fun moments! Here we go:
Wednesday, December 30
I promised my friend/former co-worker that we would come over for a playdate with her three kids, and it was a lot of fun. I received two gift cards from my work for Christmas/Going-Away present, and one was to California Pizza Kitchen; since Hubs can't have cheese and is not a big fan of the restaurant anyway, I treated them to lunch there.
Waiting for our food-Leif loves playing with our sunglasses. |
Angela was running late for a private lesson, so after lunch she and the kids left for home while we took our time looking at/feeding the ducks. |
Leif had a great time feeding the ducks! |
Friday, January 1, 2016
Happy New Year! Hubs and I really didn't do much on New Year's Eve-I think we watched movies with Leif all day, then I made a yummy steak dinner and relaxed. We did make it to midnight, but that was about it-the life of broke parents in Los Angeles, good times. ;)
We did break out Leif's Fire-Truck/Bus fort New Year's Day-that was fun.
Every day straight from his birthday, Leif had played with Darth Tater. He loves this toy. |
Saturday, January 2
See? More Darth Tater. |
We had kind of a lazy few days in a row so we decided to take a trip to the L.A. Arboretum that day.
Getting ready to leave-rocking the sunglasses |
We stopped for lunch at this Asian Fusion place near the Arboretum-it was delicious. Here are my boys rocking their sunglasses. |
Freedom! This fountain was close to the entrance of the Arboretum. We figured this would be a great place for Leif to run. |
He wouldn't walk more than 20 feet without either finding a new stick or banging a stick on the ground. Boys and their sticks! |
Of course Leif wanted to walk up the crazy long stairway... |
Playing tag. |
This was probably my favorite section of the Arboretum-Bamboo! |
Playing Hide-and-Seek. |
That smile melts my heart! |
Sunday, January 3
Bath night-Leif playing with his bath crayons. I just thought this was so cute-him crossing his legs, concentrating on putting his crayons back in the packaging! |
Monday, January 4
This was my first day at CSUN and it was a great day, even though I had a weird encounter with the HR front desk (lady was kind of rude to me but nice to other people-no idea why. She misinformed me and I completely missed the HR orientation-she had sent me off to get coffee. When I returned, she didn't even tell me the orientation was taking place until I came up to her desk after sitting in the waiting area for 20 minutes-she apologized then and said she was working on my paperwork. WTF?!?! I haven't seen her since returning to HR a few times now, and I hope I never run into her again). Anyway, my chair took me to lunch that day, and everyone I met in the department was so nice!
Thursday, January 7
My boys-Leif is such a mama's boy that seeing him cuddle with daddy and letting him read to him before bed was so adorable. |
Friday, January 8
Hubs had the day off, so he picked Leif up early from daycare and took him to the zoo!
Leif loved the monkeys! |
Saturday, January 9
Since it was supposed to be less packed and I'm not getting any smaller (and the weather tolerable), we decided it was the perfect day to go to DISNEYLAND!!! It was probably our last trip there before Baby #2 since Leif likes to be carried by me and I just can't do that for very long. It was a very nice visit!
The Star Wars exhibit was kind of a let-down...much smaller than we imagined. The largest attraction was to meet a few characters, and the lines for that were 45 minutes or longer! |
Taking a ride in California Adventure |
We were able to make a reservation to the Blue Bayou-the fancy restaurant that resides in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride (insider tip-you have to book your reservation ONLINE-we never knew this!)...Leif of course passed out as soon as we arrived, which was fine with us-we got to eat our lunch in peace! |
It's dark and moody inside, perfect! |
This probably doesn't look that appetizing, but all of our food there was AMAZING-which is quite opposite of almost all the food in the park. Of course we paid a larger amount for it, but we called it my "new job celebration" lunch. :) It was definitely worth the money though. |
Sleepy Leif with daddy |
Nice glasses Leif! This was taken either right before or after we rode the Small World ride because Leif really wanted to go on it. |
We had to go to Cartoon-Land to Goofy's house so Leif could get some energy out. He loves sliding down head-first. |
We caught the Pixar Parade back in California Adventure |
And of course, Leif got really sick after this trip. He seriously gets sick every time we visit Disneyland...so another tip if you bring small kids to D-Land; no matter how much you think you're sanitizing their hands, wash and sanitize even more! It really doesn't help that Leif licked a couple rides and we couldn't catch him in time to stop him...toddlers will be toddlers.
Sunday, January 17
We had a pretty low-key weekend, but we decided to take Leif to the park after a late lunch. He loves the swings! |
Monday, January 18
I had an OBGYN appointment that morning and then had to take my gestation diabetes test/get blood drawn (no work thanks to MLK Day); Hubs had to work that day, so thankfully Susie was able to watch Leif. He always has such a good time with her and her family!
They broke out their old doll house and accessories, and he was so obsessed with the Grandpa Doll that they let him take it home! |
They also gave him a cool Cowboy hat-we call it his "Woody" hat. :) He loves it! |
Sunday, January 24
We broke out Leif's costume suitcase-he loves his Buzz outfit. Such a cutie pie. |
Tuesday, January 26
I've had a few friends ask for photos of my pregnancy, so I decided I really need to take photos for Baby #2's sake (I honestly don't have many of me and my belly this round of pregnancy!). Here I am at 30 Weeks. I feel huge-much bigger than I did with Leif; but definitely feel better than I did towards the end of December. The holiday season is rough-so many sweets and rich food! |
Thursday, January 28
And here is my new office btw...it may look a little dark, but my "mood" lighting is better than the bright fluorescent lights! I could do with one more light, but I don't think I'll be in this office much longer...more on that later! |
And there you go! End of December/January in a flash. I'll be back soon, I promise!