Saturday, January 30
We tried going to the zoo since the weather was perfect, but it was crazy-packed at 11am. So instead we decided to check out the free "Travel-Town Museum" within the Griffith Park. In summary: a bunch of old trains, 95% of them you cannot go into. There were tons of families there, so kids did enjoy seeing them I guess? We stayed a total of 30 minutes I think...Leif seemed to like it, maybe more the fact that he ran around free.
We grabbed lunch at one of our favorite places in Burbank afterwards "Zankou's Chicken", and then decided to treat ourselves since we didn't have that much of an exciting Saturday...
That night I finally finished one of many craft/art projects that I have started. Yes, I admit-I'm terrible about starting something and moving onto another project. With this finished though, I only have two on my plate compared to what was like five at one point!
Monday, February 1
We are now up to five books before bedtime-I'm so glad Leif likes to read with us. Sometimes he'll grab the book and flip through it (like the above photo), but most of the time we read to him. |
Thursday, February 4
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Leif spotted the helicopter I got Hubs a while back, and so he broke it out. I have a cute video posted here, but the sheer delight in Leif's face just melts my heart. |
Sunday, February 7
Saturday the sixth was kind of a weird day (we've just had some weird voodoo with weekends lately)-we had our friend Susie come over to watch Leif in the afternoon so that I could potentially upgrade my phone, and we eventually did, but it was filled with anxiety and weird emotions. Oh how lovely it is to have fluctuating, crazy pregnancy hormones.
Anyway, we didn't get a chance to update my phone through my iCloud, so we decided to get a nice breakfast on Sunday morning at a place that had free wi-fi.
Figuring out what to eat |
And Superbowl...ah. Back story first: Leif had another bad cough this weekend (which is worrysome-I think we need to take him in to see his pediatrician-it really hits him every two weeks and has since December); sleep was rough, but nap time is worse. Susie came a little earlier than expected on Saturday which was before his nap, and I think because he was excited she was there and kept coughing/waking himself up, he only slept for 15 minutes. Then Sunday I tried getting him down for his nap but he just wouldn't go. So early bedtimes both days, but the no nap-time threw a wrench in us watching the Superbowl-which wasn't a huge deal because we didn't really care about it that much-but we started watching it at 4pm, didn't finish it until 9pm (thank you DirecTV recording access). I had to keep consoling Leif every few minutes because he'd cough so much that he woke up screaming/crying. I felt so bad for him, and I'm so stressed at home when he's sick. So, I'm stressed out almost every other week. Good times, right? Not much we can do except take him to his pediatrician at this point. Of course on his 2-year checkup he was fit as a fiddle with no cough, so we/they didn't say anything then. I'm just worried that it could be a number of things, one main reason is his daycare. Hubs says there isn't much we can do about that since he's in a class of 10 and they can't manage him individually at all times, but I think they're not doing much preventative care. I may have to talk to his daycare too. Sigh.
So that's it so far. I left off last posting about relocating offices-I believe I was hired initially for this current position (Program Office Coordinator) but to then transfer over to the Assistant to the Chair position, as my predecessor will be leaving to be an Air-Traffic Controller. Since they have to do a formal search, I had to submit my application/resume/cover letter two weeks ago, and they just went through applications today. I think they're looking to interview next week and hopefully have someone in by the time Kyle leaves which is February 19...but wish me luck anyway, you never know. That position pays more, but I will definitely miss the perk of having two months off in the summer.
Okay, be back soon to update you on Valentine's Day, Hubs' Birthday Celebration, CAS Awards Night, etc... :)
What a cute video!