Hey everyone!
Since this is my last day of work/last day of real internet, I need to update my blog. I'm telling you, I think I may just break down and purchase crappy internet or I'll go crazy!
I have to hurry with this because I think I'm leaving work soon...
Leif, two years apart. Look at this cutie pie! Time flies too fast! Can't believe he's going to be a big brother soon... |
Friday, March 18
It was our student assistant's birthday, so we celebrated with yummy cake. I think it was half our student assistant's birthdays this month, so baby #2 has been getting LOTS of cake... |
Saturday, March 19
I forgot which relative got us this crazy puzzle, but Leif found it and I decided to "help" Leif put it together...and by "help", I mean put it all together myself. I thought I was good at puzzles, but holy cow this was harder than I thought! It didn't help that Leif would sit on pieces and mess with them at first, but I think he realized how much I was struggling with it...mid-way through he kind of just watched me and started handing me pieces. He was a champ. And I finished it finally! |
Before bed Leif wanted to wear his cool hat. |
Such a cutie pie. By the way, hard to see his bedspread, but we finally got rid of our old comforter and gave Leif his own forest/bear comforter. Definitely cuter and matches his room more. |
Sunday, March 20
My parent's Anniversary! Yay!
We decided to attempt the LA Zoo...but first we needed to get lunch, so we went to our usual place across the way at the Gene Autry Museum.
Leif likes to wipe his own hands/face, and he was putting his napkin in as a bib. Too cute. |
My handsome fellas. :) |
The zoo was a NIGHTMARE. The regular ticket line was super duper long, and the membership line (we were going to renew ours) was way longer than usual, so we decided to skip it. I forgot that it was a lot of people's spring break though...duh. Before checking the zoo we at least let Leif run around in the grass next to the museum:
Courtesy of Hubs...boys love sticks! |
Tuesday, March 22
Another Picture Day at Leif's daycare! Look at how handsome he is! (and with his favorite breakfast, mini pancakes) |
Wednesday, March 23
The Music Department student assistants (with help from staff) decided to throw me a surprise baby shower. It was super duper sweet and I wanted to cry because of how thoughtful they all were, especially since I've only been here for a few months!
Food spread-everyone pitched in something different. Missing: yummy mashed potatoes and the best flan I've ever had - student assistants made them and she told me she's making me more when I get back!!!! |
We (mostly them while I watched) played a lot of games, and this one entailed estimating how much toilet paper would perfectly wrap around my belly. Our concert coordinator Karla totally guessed perfectly and won! This photo is of Bennie who over-estimated...I wanted to guess too and I was way over as well. |
Another fun game-team up with another person and get a diaper on a baby with one hand. The team on the right one the whole thing! Bennie and I went against them at the end for fun and they totally won...Bennie blamed it on the fact that she used to use safety pins for her babies' diapers...haha. |
Another fun game-stuff a balloon in your shirt and then attempt to tie a bow around your shoe bending over at 90 degrees. That was fun to watch! |
Here's Karla-she won many games! |
Group photos! |
Side angle :) |
There were still prizes to give away and they were out of games; so I printed one out real fast from Pinterest; baby word scramble. This was tougher than they thought - look at them concentrate! |
At the end they brought out my basket of gifts...lots of really cute clothes and things for baby. It was so sweet!!! |
Me with the student assistants (minus the concert student assistants...) |
Thursday, March 24
And here we are this morning-it is my student assistant's birthday who is taking over my previous job until the fall; got her a really yummy cake! |
I can't believe this is my last day of work before maternity leave...wish me luck and hoping the baby doesn't come out sooner than it's supposed to! I'm also hoping I don't have to deal with any more paperwork for maternity leave...it's been a nightmare dealing with my doctor's portion of the paperwork because it takes so long to get anything back from them, and I want to make sure I get paid correctly while I'm out!
BTW...our house is being tented for termites starting today. We had to double bag most of our food the last couple days and pack for our extended hotel stay. We get to go back on Saturday, but we want to air out the house so we probably go back, open all the windows and then come back Saturday evening. It kind of feels like a mini vacation, but a little more work. Glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow!
I'm hoping I will have some chance to keep you all informed about Baby 2's arrival, but if not, wish me luck everyone! The next time I update may be with another addition to our family!!!!
Termites?!? Oh no! Nichi - you look like a beautiful California girl at your baby shower. I can't wait to digitally meet the next member of your awesome family!