Happy belated Halloween everyone! I had a very busy day at work getting the rest of the Halloween decorations up, showing around groups of staff, faculty and students, looking around at the other decorated offices, eating junk and having a good time. Here is what we came up with for our house (but picture it pitch black, foggy and with spooky music/noises)...
Department Assistant Isaac putting up cobwebs |
This is our bathroom in the above two photos. It was the only room in the house that was blinding bright, and we had a very scary version of "Ring Around the Rosies" on loop coming from the bathroom closet. This was probably one of the scariest room in the whole house! |
Who knew it would take an hour to put foam gravestones out?! The wind kept knocking them down, I had to stabilize them with large paperclips. |
This is the stairway up to our attic where we keep the orchestra and choral libraries. We had a fog machine up here with really spooky sounds coming from a large speaker courtesy of our music production faculty member. |
Here I am! |
Overall I thought we did a really good job considering I'm the only staff member with the help of four student workers. There were rumors that we were in the Top 3...but out of the 16 offices that partipated, Facilities took first (which is no fair-they had zombies with real power tools, a much larger building and much more staff), Business Office took second with their pirate theme and Financial Aid/Undergrad Admissions took third with their monopoly theme. We should have gotten Honorable Mention or something! And to make it spookier, one of my DAs swears she saw a ghost in the attic. The fog machine was going crazy in the attic so she went upstairs to turn it off-she couldn't see anything except fog, but she managed to find the machine, heard someone coming up the steps and saw a black figure my height. She called out to ask if it was us, got no reply, turned the machine off then looked back up and the figure was gone. She bolted back down the stairs. Poor girl. But there are rumors that this building is haunted by the Petersons-the farmers who donated their land/property to CLU. And this building is 100 years old this year!
When I got home, I started roasting spaghetti squash for dinner and hubby had the place cleaned and decorated for Halloween. He was excited to see if we would get any trick-or-treaters since we have such a large complex. We got ONE knock on the door with three kids. Wah waaaah. I think he was anticipating a lot more. I told him in the future we'll have a house with lots of kids at the door, plus we'll have Baby H to take out trick-or-treating!
On another note, the night before I checked the mail and found a toy catalog from Toys R Us. As I flipped through, I found these:
What's up rich kid toys!!! Who is going to spend $300 on a toy Range Rover that their kids will use for at most a couple years?! Holy shmoly. Must be nice to have money to throw around.
I spent an hour and half this morning cleaning up the decorations around the office, and now it's pretty quiet. Fridays are generally quiet on campus, it's kind of nice. I'm excited for tomorrow-hubby bought tickets to the Dia De Las Muertos festival at the Hollywood Cemetery. I'm not excited to have my three-hour GD test early in the morning. I just want to get that over with! Wish me luck...
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