This week has had its ups and downs. Let me recap.
Wednesday's Staff Connect Lunch was okay...a lot of my friend co-workers dropped out last minute, but the food was good. I didn't win any of the raffles, but it's probably a good thing since most the prizes revolved around See's Candies (my FAVORITE). I sat next to a lady who asked me some pretty intense questions about pregnancy and the baby, then I found out from my friend she's the lady that everyone avoids in the office because of how nosy she is. People like her make me glad I'm the only staff member in the music department.
When I got home, hubby was working on Baby H's crib that was delivered! Glad I got home then though because he needed some assembly help, which I was able to provide. Before we went to training, hubby snapped some photos of my 35 week progress.
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There's the crib being put together behind me! And look at Miles behave while taking the photo. : ) |
Well, right before Miles's training those lights went off AGAIN. UGHGHGH. We took hubby's car and I stressed about my car throughout Miles's training (which consisted of tricks. Kind of a pointless class).
When we got back, hubby tested my car and it drove fine with the lights, so I planned on driving slowly to work the next day and taking it straight to the mechanic. That night I was so grumpy with my car, my foot cramped, dinner took a long time to cook and that caused a minor meltdown. I went to bed early in hopes of shaking off the bad juju I was feeling.
Thursday my check engine light turned on but the AT light didn't, so there was a little progress. Drove over to the mechanic and dropped my poor car off...then got the call about a few hours later. It's not the sensor-it's my whole computer system (according to the mechanic, who had called a Mazda dealer). He said it can cost about $1,200, and even then it could be faulty wiring so it could cost upwards of $2,000 and that I have to take it to the dealer. BUMMER. He reset the electrical panel and I picked it up during my lunch break.
What do I do when I have car problems? Call my pa.
His recommendation: take it to the dealer to really have it diagnosed and cough up the $ to do so, that way I'll have a more accurate take on it. Of course my car acts up before Baby H comes. So I made an appointment with the one Mazda dealer closest to us for next Friday, which will cost me $150. Yippee.
After a tedious work day (locating band/choir/orchestra directors on California high school websites and entering all the information into an excel file for a mailing list...blech), I left early for another two-week checkup. Everything seems fine and the doc said I wasn't dilated (not surprised), but now I have to come back for weekly appointments. Home stretch!
I found a Coffee & Tea Leaf shop near Simi Valley Hospital after my appointment since I was done so early and had an hour to kill before the Infant CPR class; chatted with my pa for a while, then made my way over. The class was kind of a joke for $30; simple enough that I could have just You Tubed it. We basically watched a video most the time, practiced on our doll for a few minutes here and there, and ended class half an hour early. Hubby had to work late so he couldn't make it, but I'm glad since we saved some money. Here's a stupid we were walking out of the class, someone asked me when I was due and she proceeded to say, "Any minute now, huh?!" Um, no lady...I answered "Christmas". This other pregnant girl and her mom were close behind and she exclaimed, "Oh, I'm due New Year's!" and folks, she was half the size of me. So...that made me feel like a whale. Thanks people. Needless to say I smiled politely and took off as fast as I could away from them.
Missy sent us a really cute Baby H box Wednesday night, but I didn't have a chance to take any photos since I was in a bad mood, so I did that when I got home last night:
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More super cute hats, an Ernie sweater and burp cloths in Baby H's put together crib! |
This weekend we have no real plans which is nice-I want to see the new Hunger Games movie since it's probably going to be the last movie I see before Baby H, but I'm not sure if we will save that for next week. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
The countdown is on! One more month from today!!! I can't wait!