I'm so excited for Thanksgiving: long weekend, parents visiting, yummy food...and this is Leif's first Thanksgiving! I have to admit I've already had a big Thanksgiving meal, thanks to the Connect Thanksgiving Lunch my school put on for faculty and staff yesterday. The food is usually sub-par, but yesterday it was amazing! I could live off their stuffing and mashed potatoes. For this Thanksgiving my folks and I went back and forth on whether or not we'd cook at home. Last year we ate at our friend's home, the year before that we ate at Black Angus...and this year we'll do the same. :) I know it's Leif's first, and it would be nice to have a meal at home, but seriously he won't remember it. And less clean-up, dishes, less work all together. My mom is going to make lumpia though which is generally a tradition in our house.
Delicious lumpia, aka Filipino egg rolls. My mouth is watering right now. |
Work has been busy-school is starting something new with our music scholarships, called "Early Action"; basically students can apply early to the university and then audition for the music scholarship early, notification sent out mid-January as opposed to regular action in March/April. So I've been in charge of getting in touch with applicants, scheduling and I will be working all day Saturday, checking in students and their parents. This means extra time off later!
Anyway, I know you've all been waiting for Leif's photos of the past week or so,... ;)
Thursday, November 13
Hubs has been on a working-streak (yay!), and the last couple of weeks he's had to get up at the same time as me and get ready, then watch Leif while I get ready. While I'm getting ready, hubs has been taking Miles and Leif on walks. Since it's cold, we've been bundling up Leif. The results are too cute.
My little dino! |
Hubs now gets awesome sunrise photos |
Saturday, November 15
We decided to grab some lunch and ended up at a pho place. I had missed good pho, and this place was great-reminded me of home!
Leif just woke up |
Every time we put his feet down, he'd prop them back up on the table. Hubs thought it'd be fun to take a photo.
With all his teeth, it was time to get a toothbrush. Leif LOVES brushing his teeth, takes after his mama. |
Sunday, November 16
Breakfast of champions-super healthy waffles. Seriously, it's all whole grain with all this other healthy stuff in it. I tried it and it was okay, but Leif loved it. |
He loves to play with anything that is not in his toy box. |
For lunch he had a turkey sandwich with cream cheese. Granted a lot of it ended up in his bib, but he just loves being able to feed himself! |
Monday, November 17
My little mouseketeer loves the remote controllers. |
Wednesday, November 19
I love this hat! Doesn't he look adorable?! He's all dressed up for his walk with daddy. |
Thursday, November 20
Today hubs broke out the hiking carrier. Leif loved it so much that when they returned, he started balling-he didn't have anything wrong with him, so we figured he just loved being in there so much he didn't want to stop. |
And here we are today. The weather has finally cooled down enough that I'm able to go on my lunch runs. Last week I ran twice, and ran to the gym and used the rowing machine. Today I'm going to try and run again and going to test out a new Zombie-Run app! I'll let you know how that goes.