Thank you to my family members who served is the US Military. I wouldn't be here if my pa didn't serve-or at least, I doubt I'd be filipina and who I am today. So, thanks Pa!
The week flew by, and Leif is changing in leaps and bounds. He's so tall now and has six teeth coming in! He also slept in his crib all night!! Well, he still woke up every three hours, but we were able to get him back to sleep in his own crib. Success-? Although he did wake up at 5am. That wasn't fun.
Not much really happened, except that Leif finally started to look at his books and touch the fuzzy books/turn pages. He usually hates being read to! So there's some progress. And he talks gibberish all the time. That's exciting. As for me, I finally went for a couple runs this past week. I'm signing up for a 5K on Thanksgiving morning with my friend Michael, so I need to start training again.
Here's my week in photos, er, more like Leif's week in photos...
Monday, November 3
He loves getting into things he's not supposed to |
He's a fast crawler |
Aaaaaand we're in trouble folks. Almost there. |
Tuesday, November 4
He's been wearing a bib daily due to the copious amounts of drool. Those crazy teeth decided to grow in all at once! |
Wednesday, November 5
He's such a trouble maker-he refuses to sit in the bath anymore. Bath time has cut down significantly in time. Hubs loves this photo. |
Happy baby in a tub. Terrified Mama, scared he's going to slip and fall. |
Friday, November 7
I usually don't give him the bowl, but he was being fussy at dinner time |
Messy baby licking the apple sauce from the bowl. |
After Leif went down to sleep, hubs, Miles and I were able to relax and watch a movie. |
Saturday, November 8
We decided to try out this little park a few minutes away from our house. Yes, it has baby swings and a little playground. It also has homeless, sketchy people hanging out underneath a large tree and a path that was useless and went for maybe half a mile. Very disappointing park. |
At least Leif semi-enjoyed the baby swing... |
...for a few minutes. |
Sunday, November 9
I absolutely LOVE breakfast and breakfast restaurants. Hubs is the absolute opposite. But I roped him into getting breakfast Sunday morning since our power was being shut down from 8am-1pm. |
Can you see those chompers?! He was pretty good at the restaurant up to the end. |
I had to work at a concert that afternoon, but later our friend Daryl came over and while Leif took a long nap, we played Settlers of Catan: Star Trek. It was fun! |
Monday, November 10
I got a deal on printed photos from Shutterfly, so I changed my Mother's Day frame from hubs that sits on my desk at work (it had photos of Leif and me only). |
When we got home from work, I checked the mail and noticed we received a Catholic newspaper for tenants before us-Leif enjoyed looking through it. |
Enjoyed tearing it up too. |
Since Leif keeps grabbing at our phones, I charged my old iPhone and gave it to Leif. Yes, it's already began, we've lost our son to technology. |
I guess I have to get used to seeing him like this for the next 18 years, right? Sigh. And yes, he's Batman. |
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