I am currently 17 minutes into waiting to speak with someone at Bank of America. I consider myself a fairly patient person (you have to be with a baby)...but I would like to throw my phone across my office-I've been trying to contact them all morning, and the phone calls would just drop as soon as the automated teller said, "Let me transfer you, please hold". I finally received the music/call waiting jingles. Why am I trying to call them-first, I received a few emails over the weekend telling "Nicholas Barnes" that his password was reset for his auto loan. To my email. Whaaaa? Now I can't even log in to my account online. I'm worried folks.
As I sit here patiently, I will update you into the past week of Mama Nichi's life...
Monday, October 27
Since we have so many Halloween-themed clothing for Leif, he wore a different outfit each day.
One piece skeleton outfit! He's hard to photograph now; all he does is wiggle and move. Jeopardy was on, and I was able to have him hold still. He loves Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune! |
***Finally got a hold of someone at BoA. Online problems, no correlation to the weird Auto Loan emails, which I took care of. Phew.***
Tuesday, October 28
Pumpkin Leif! |
Wednesday, October 29
I finished only ONE skull since it took forever to paint so many details...this will be my new tradition. Instead of carving pumpkins (which can be a pain), I'll paint a Dia De Los Muertos Skull.
Thursday, October 30
We took a walk after work while Hubs was at work...this is a view from our mailboxes towards the back of the complex. Cool backdrop, right? Reminds me of Cars Land in Disneyland except they aren't foam... |
Two piece skeleton outfit, courtesy of Nana! |
Friday, October 31
Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday Mom!
My little Dinosaur-Leifosaurus! |
Next year we'll do better at coordinating costumes, but Wonder Woman gave birth to a dinosaur I guess...(kind of correlates with a pregnancy dream I had about the alligator! I blogged about that a while ago!) |
He wouldn't smile for the camera, but he loved my fake crown. |
My friend and co-worker Randy as a transformer! She got this at Party City, kids size. She is very petite! |
I don't know if you remember me talking about the Halloween decorating contest last year at work, but Facilities won. They did an all out haunted house. So this year, they didn't have a decoration contest but Facilities held a bigger Haunted House for fun. This is the entrance to their building. They did a great job, but granted they have two stories to work with. And real chainsaws and tools. And that's my co-worker Clarisse in the chicken costume, she entered the costume contest later in the afternoon! |
Pa bought Leif his early birthday present...not sure where we're going to put this! It arrived at my work-thanks Pa! |
I was on my way to pick up a contract from the business office and totally forgot they were having a costume contest. All of the business office was at it, so I couldn't really get my work done. Found another superhero though! |
Hubs went all out and bought a bunch of Halloween decorations when I got home. So I was on Leifosaurus patrol while he finished decorating the porch. |
Hubs donned a scary mask but Leif wasn't afraid at all! In fact he was all giggly. We have a few videos...that boy is not afraid of anything! |
Front porch decorated! |
Boo! |
Hubs did such a great job, but we only had ONE family trick or treat. It was sad. All that effort! |
We ended up watching Fallen with Denzel Washington and eating hamburgers. And lots of candy of course. We had a torrential downpour that night so it was fun listening to the rain outside!
Saturday, November 1
It was a cold Saturday, but it was nice. We hung out, getting things done around the house then ran a few errands. Leif woke up every hour the night before, so we were zombies all day. |
We took a walk later on that day, and visited a porch of a house that is currently for rent. They have an amazing view! |
Sunday, November 2
Daylight Savings messed with us-it was nice feeling like we had a long Sunday, but it was weird.
Our little Mickey Mouse loves playing with the dog toys. |
As you can see, Leif loves Miles and his dog toys. This was really cute, hoping they're best buddies as Leif grows. Right now Miles is kind of scared of Leif-he won't let him pet/touch him for long periods of time. But at least he's gentle playing with him. |
And lastly, while we were winding down, we were watching the Late Night Show. Leif was playing on the ground, when all of a sudden Chris Rock came on. Leif couldn't take his eyes off of him. It was weird, Leif is apparently mesmerized by Chris Rock. |
I changed the color of the table from that dark green to a light blue that matches one of our rugs and looks a lot better. Our house is finally coming along and looks like our home! I had a really weird thing happen to me this morning though...at around 5am, I heard monkeys/jungle sounds through Leif's monitor (he was asleep next to us). I picked it up and tried listening harder, but then hubs woke up and saw me, asked what was wrong, and it totally stopped. He turned the monitor off and said I was hearing things, or it was the music that we leave on. But when I went to turn off his night lights this morning, I remembered I turned off his music when I picked him up out of his crib in the middle of the night. Hoping our neighbor had a TV on loud or something...it was really strange. I think I have new house jitters, and it doesn't help I'm listening to an audio book about Ed & Lorraine Warren's life (the Demonologists, the movie the Conjuring is based off one of their cases!). It's creepy and I should probably stop listening to it...
I can't believe it's already November! Before we know it, we'll be flying back to Washington for lots of festivities! My folks already made plans on visiting us over Thanksgiving break which will be nice. I'm just happy it's cooling down (a little-it's back in the 80s/90s by Wednesday), and I love fall. Bring on the pumpkin everything (I made pumpkin bread this weekend!).
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