Real quick, update on the sleep situation-I've been doing the cry-it-out method for the initial bedtime, and that has worked out extremely well...but he still comes to bed with us in the middle of the night. He's stopped kicking as much which is nice, but we are seriously considering getting a king size bed. I've tried asking my mama group on Facebook about this, but no one could help as most who co-slept did it until the toddlers went happily into their big beds, or the others still co-slept and were in similar situations. We are not alone!
Here's my recap:
Friday, February 13
So I was supposed to change my hair color after work, but when I went in my stylist was honest and said I need to wait another week to try and wash out the blue/green or else she'd have to go in and re-bleach my hair, causing more damage. Sigh. I'm glad she was honest, but sad that there was no magic hair solution to get rid of the green/blue (don't get me wrong, I LOVED the color, but it's time to move on). She still tried washing most of it out and gave me a cut, but man, the green does not want to come out!
I picked up Leif and he tried on his new sunglasses Nana gave him when we got home:
Model in the making...? |
Saturday, February 14
We had planned on taking Leif to daycare that afternoon so that we could have adult time, but we decided since we wake up so early to drive down to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach since we have a membership (thanks Missy!)
While daddy got ready, we wanted to take a selfie. See how my hair is still green??? |
Picking up a little otter for Leif (ahem, me) before going through the aquarium. |
Since we didn't get to venture outside on our last trip, we started there. Lookout Leif, shark! |
With sunglasses, that's better. |
Everyone thought he was the cutest and envied his car. I don't know why more parents don't get these cars, Leif loves his! |
Besides the otters, the jellyfish is my other favorite exhibit |
This was the otter tank, but they were all sleeping. Leif loved this tank too just because he could touch the glass and see the fish up close. |
I didn't take any photos unfortunately, but here is one from yelp:
![]() |
We had similar rolls. Our eyes were larger than our stomachs of course and we ordered way too much. It was so yummy! I love Sumo Sushi! |
We picked up Leif and when we got there he was screaming and in tears. Poor guy had another baby to compete with for Miss Karen and she couldn't rock them at the same time. His schedule was all off too and he was in full-blown meltdown mode. Poor guy.
Sunday, February 15
Good morning! More pacifier fun. He spit it out in two minutes. |
Took a morning walk to get Miles' energy out. It was a nice day! |
Gymboree! Again, think he'd make a cute toddler model? If he just sat still a little more. We're lucky he stood still enough for this photo! |
We headed over to Costco afterwards so that I could get new glasses, but my insurance is all wonky and I can't get glasses until June which is silly. It's a long explanation, but I'm not very happy with my vision insurance. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at home.
Monday, February 16
Hubs and I both had the day off, so we dropped Leif off at daycare and headed over to Thousand Oaks since he had to go to the library for school and I wanted to practice my saxophone. Productive morning! We ended up going home to finish one of our board games we set up back on Friday, then went to our favorite Indian restaurant for lunch:
Mmm, samosa. |
After we picked Leif up we hung out at home.
Daddy was eating frozen cherries and Leif kept trying to get one, so we gave him a couple bits and he loved them. So we put a few in one of his mesh holders. He's so like his daddy. |
Happy birthday husband! I can't believe he's 33, which means I'll be 33. One of my high school friends who's a year younger than me has two kids-5 and 7; and she's hoping to have a third now. Anyway, she was talking on Facebook with a friend how trying to have a kid now (at 31) could be harder and I chuckled. Leif was the easiest surprise baby ever.
Okay, back to photos.
He was being such a goofball-he would squish his face against this clear cover then laugh hard, and kept doing it. |
Sorry it's blurry, but look at this! He's such a happy guy. |
Wednesday, February 18
I put a block on his toe, and he kept trying to do it too. He's learning so fast. |
And here we are Thursday. I've been trying to get in shape since I'll be a bridesmaid again in September, and also be in the public eye for the New Music concert next month...but of course Valentine's Day didn't help as I stuffed my face with cupcakes, chocolate and what not. I have been hitting the gym at least twice a week which I'm starting to notice in my legs. I did interval training on my run yesterday which was fun. But I definitely need to eat a little better! Oh yeah, and I have a 10K in May. Haha.
Alright, if I have time later I'll be posting about an actual Pinterest FAIL from last night. Hope everyone has a great Thursday!
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