Oh Super Bowl. Sigh.
It was such a great game until the end! UNTIL THE END!!! That's when we usually shine.
But hey, we made it to the Super Bowl. That's pretty cool. As the saying goes, "First is the Worst, Second is the Best..." :)
Weekend photos:
When we first got there, Leif just watched the other little toddlers playing. |
He's so good at climbing! |
Quick family photo at Gymboree on Saturday |
This was during bubble time. Love this little boy! |
Most of Saturday we spent cleaning up the house since Michael & Alan were coming over for dinner. Since Saturday Gymboree is at 11am, right when Leif is supposed to be taking a nap, it threw him off his schedule.
Tried getting him down for a nap around 3pm, but he bounced up and so I let him play around his room while I sat half asleep in the rocking chair. His favorite activity now-pulling out his diapers and wash cloths, trying to put them back in, repeat. |
Alan and Michael came over right after Leif finally went down for a nap/woke up and we had a fun night of grilling and after Leif went to sleep, Cards Against Humanity (hubs won!)...
Crawling around with a spoon in his mouth... |
At one point I asked Alan to hold Leif while I prepared some food. Leif was so calm, and at one point he just laid in him arms. Managed to get a fun photo. |
Then came Sunday. UGH. Leif woke up extra early and hubs and I didn't go to bed until 12:30am, so it was rough. Luckily we took turns-hubs spent the morning with Leif until around 9:30am when he woke up from a quick nap, then hubs slept while I watched Leif for an hour or so.
Barbie sent me this photo:
She wrote "I'm ready!" |
So I sent her this one. :) |
We had pre game coverage on all morning long, so when hubs woke up he changed it to Doc McStuffins for Leif. It's cute how Leif will stop what he's doing when this show comes on. |
Leif had a lot of energy and we were anxious... |
Family photo! |
This was taken before the game started-we think because Leif is walking so much, he's having some growing pains. But this really sums up how we felt at the end of the game. Wah waaaaah. |
My hair is still green, and I still love it. But eventually it's going to fade and I'll be changing it-thoughts on the next color??? :)
What a cute Seahawk's family. :-) I love your hair now! Do it again!