Let's dive right in to what happened in Mama Nichi's life at the end of July:
Monday, July 18
Unfortunately again, I didn't get too many photos of the grandparents while they visited (except beach day). Here is I think the last partial photo of my mom with Ozzie.
Wednesday, July 20
I had a little time to get a quick haircut-haven't had one since October! Didn't do much since I'm growing it out. Look at Ozzie's fuzzy head! |
After work we played outside with Leif's new large sand sifter toys. |
After dinner we played with Leif's dinosaur paper set. It's pretty cool, probably one of my favorite toys! |
Now that Ozzie loves daddy, I'm able to switch off with daddy for Leif's bedtime routine. I love Leif kisses! |
Thursday, July 21
All my boys!!! I took many photos and this is the best one of Leif; the others had Miles and Ozzie looking at the camera but Leif doing something goofy. |
Friday, July 22
The previous night Leif had trouble sleeping, so he came to our bed at some point. I had to get up to get ready for work, but here they are sleeping together. Too cute. |
After work, Leif got to open up a present. Back story: that previous Monday, Leif hit a girl at daycare over a toy...she turned around and bit him hard in the back. Apparently he has been hitting kids over toys more often than not. This caused me to read lots of articles about toddler aggression, etc. I found this cool toy/book about emotions, and supposedly helps identify how he feels to the point where we can have him hit less and talk more...
While Leif was learning about emotions, Ozzie was working on his hand/eye coordination. He's growing so fast! |
Leif has daddy's OCD and after I moved his eggs around, he started arranging them back in a very organized manner. He really enjoyed the eggs, but then didn't put them away so I took them away (his discipline). We haven't touched them in a while, but now that I remember I'll bring them out again. Apparently he hasn't been hitting at daycare though, so that's definitely a good sign! |
Saturday, July 23
Good morning! |
A little late, but we did Ozzie's 3 month photo shoot. |
Chillin' after his photos. |
Being a baby model is exhausting. ;) |
We ended up back in my old stomping grounds (Thousand Oaks) to get Leif's haircut/lunch. Here we are at Cheesecake Factory because we couldn't figure out where else to go. |
Ozzie wanted to take a peek at the goods. He wouldn't let go! What was hilarious was he fell asleep shortly after in daddy's arms. I took a video. :) |
Leif enjoying his chicken and fries. |
Haircut time! It was awkward...we requested another lady since the previous one did a poor job. And she was right across from us staring daggers...we think the receptionist told her. We'll probably not return to this place... |
Look at our handsome boy! Oh, and the other weird thing...the receptionist was doing her own hair in the corner the entire time we were there..you can see her behind Leif. Not very professional at a kid's salon, right? |
Sunday, July 24
Leif wanted to watch a movie in our bedroom, so it was family relax time! Tried to get a good family photo-this was the best I could get. |
Monday, July 25
Boo for Mondays, yay for cute kids in the morning. |
Tuesday, July 26
Leif wanted to play with his costumes, so here's my little pirate... |
and cowboy doctor ;) |
Thursday, July 28
It was crazy hair day at daycare! But I think this probably lasted 5 minutes when he arrived; he has a tendency to play with his hair. |
Friday, July 29
Hubs wanted me to capture Ozzie's crazy grip. Once he grabs you he won't let go! It's pretty cute. |
Saturday, July 30
I broke out the bumbo chair to see if Ozzie was strong enough to use it...almost but not quite. He kept leaning over-still needs to develop those tummy muscles! |
My friend Angela's husband is on the board for "Hands On Santa Clarita"-a charity organization. They held a poker night on Saturday and invited us to come for free (minus the rebuys and alcohol). I was able to convince Hubs to go and we got one of my department assistants and her sister to babysit. When they came over Leif automatically took to the sister and that made us happy/relieved.
So we had a really good time at the poker event-I had some bad hands and ended up losing to HUBS, but he lasted all the way to the end!
Last players of the night. |
Angela and me hanging out in the corner :) |
Angela and her Hubs Sam. |
Hubs came in FOURTH place! Woohoo! And he didn't even have any rebuys!!! He wanted to win this silly bike with monster tires, but the 3rd place winner took it. But we got what we were eyeing at the beginning anyway-tickets to see the Dodgers! With good seats and parking!!! We didn't realize it was for a specific day, but that's okay. This will be my first Dodgers game! |
Sunday, August 1
Yeah, I'll get into August too. :)
Hubs had to work for a few hours that morning so it was me and the boys. When I took Miles out to potty (Leif in tow), the neighbors gave Leif temp dino tattoos! I asked him if he wanted to put them on and he said yes...so...
He even said Pterodactyl when I asked him what dinosaur it was! |
He calls that "T-Tops". Shortly after we put them on, he wanted them off. LOL |
Ozzie hung out on his pillow...he was pretty mellow. |
Lunch time! He was really good-no chair jumping, getting up from the table, playing with food...he was well behaved! I asked him to give me his kissy face. |
And there you have it. Alright August, lets hope you are a fun month!!
You have such a beautiful family Nichi. So proud of you!