Has it already been a week??? I felt like I blinked and it jumped from Tuesday, May 27 to Tuesday, June 3. Crazy.
My folks are already flying out today-it was really nice having them back! Here is my week in review:
Wednesday, May 28
Co-workers took me out for a belated birthday lunch celebration to Sumo Sushi...I seriously haven't had sushi since my last birthday! It was SO good. |
And my folks flew in Wednesday night and came bearing dinner. :)
Thursday, May 29
My folks watched Leif while Matt and I worked. They were over the moon to spend so much time with Leif! |
Friday, May 30
Matt didn't have to go to work, but had work to do at home so he hung out with Miles and Leif.
Leif is starting to notice Miles a lot more-here he is holding hands with him! |
We had planned on doing a movie-date night Friday night while the folks watched Leif, but the movie we wanted to watch didn't start until late so we decided to grab dinner with the folks instead. Chinese food, yum!
BTW...doesn't my mom's skin/face look glowing and beautiful??? I did a Mary Kay facial on her before dinner. :) |
Of course my mom gave him stuff to put in his mouth. Empty spoon, just glad there's nothing on it. |
Aaaand a fortune cookie in its wrapper. I don't know if I'd rather him suck on the cookie or dirty plastic, yikes. |
Saturday, May 31
No plans before my Mary Kay party, so it was nice to relax Saturday morning with Leif while Matt worked at home.
Lounging in bed, sucking his thumb. The good life. |
FIRST sippy cup action! |
After my Mary Kay party, folks came over while hubs and I went and watched X-Men in 3D. Awesome movie! |
Sunday, June 1
Lazy Sunday while folks visit relatives...
Sunday morning lounging with daddy. Don't they look exactly alike??? |
Costco run boredom. |
"Are we done yet?!" |
My mom found a leftover See's Chocolate Cigar from when Leif was born. Don't worry, it's still in the wrapper! |
Monday, June 2
I still went to work but I took off early to be with my folks. I had dropped Leif off with them at their hotel room and they were again super happy to see him. We went to Souplantation for lunch and then walked around the outside mall in Simi Valley.
Gymboree sunglasses, too cool. |
When we got home I played with Leif for a little on the ground. He is starting to make himself giggle. It's so darn cute. |
He rolls tummy to back, but he's still practicing rolling back to tummy-haven't seen him do it. YET! |
And he did reach another milestone-he was able to put his foot in his mouth! |
So happy over his feet and toes. |
And here we are today. Please keep Matt in your thoughts-today he starts his first class in the Professional Development Program. He's been nervous about going back to school, and on top of it all has a full work week. We won't see him until 10:30pm tonight and same for tomorrow. I know he'll be great and we remind ourselves that this is all for Leif.
As for me today, I'm going to the gym for the first time in about 7-8 months! I'm going to slip it in during my lunch break, and hoping it's one of many visits as it's about time to start training for my 10K in August. I wish I had more energy weekend mornings-I'd like to start running, but it's so hard to get up before it gets sweltering hot. I can do it!!!
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