Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week 24: Sleep Deprived

      Hey y'all-coming to you a little sleep deprived...Leif decided to wake me up at 3am again.  And no, he didn't want to go back to sleep no matter how much I fed/rocked him.  Took him about an hour at least to fall back asleep, uggghghghgh.  I don't know what's triggering the 3-4am wakings, but I dread it now.  I'm looking forward to the day he sleeps throughout the night (which with my luck will be when he's a teenager)...

On top of it all I've still been trying to stay fit and healthy.  Here's my week in pictures before I dive into anything:

Tuesday, June 4: Hit the gym for the first time in a looooong time!  It felt great!  I even took Leif and Miles for a walk when I got home while hubs was in his first class (which he said felt fine, no worries!).  Leif was being silly, not sure why he wanted a fist bump...

Thursday, June 5: My third Mary Kay party was great with a few co-workers (one gal had to leave early, so there was a total of four).  I honestly really enjoy being an Independent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay!

Friday, June 6: Funny it was really foggy in the morning and turned my lights on.  Since my electrical panel in my car is all screwy, I didn't realize I left them at lunch I hopped in my car to get to the gym, car didn't start.  Wah waaaah.  I took it as a sign that I needed to be on foot, so I ended up taking a jog instead: 2.71 miles!  That's the most I've done in fooooreeeeeever.  Granted I ran for 1.5 then walked/jogged the rest, but that's an accomplishment for me!  And I wasn't worried about my car, my co-worker was able to jump my battery.  Phew.

Saturday, June 7: Hubs had to work, so I got to spend the day with Leif and Miles.  Have I told you how flexible Leif is lately?  He can't sit up or crawl yet, but he sure can put his toes in his mouth!  And loves it!

Once hubs got home, we decided to try out a BBQ place we didn't know existed.  Leif used his jogger for the second time (and yes, that's a new onesie-he got a little poop on the other one)...overall not bad. AND I was trying to be healthy and got chicken breast and an all-you-can-eat salad bar, which I only visited once, but loaded my plate with tons of veggies.

Sunday, June 8: Leif is such a happy baby!  I love his big grin and giggles, makes my heart melt.

Skip to Wednesday, June 11: Happy Leif again, photo taken by his daddy

No real photos but I ended up running 3 miles on Tuesday (ran about 2, walked/ran the last mile)...when I finished super sweaty and exhausted, I thought, "And I'm supposed to do at least two of those in a couple months?!?!"  Seriously, that's a lot of running for me.  But I think I'm on the right path as far as training for the 10K.  And I've heard that the Disney characters are throughout the park cheering you on and runners stop to get photos with them, so I have a feeling I won't be racing through the park trying to track my pace...

Yesterday I hit the gym after work, waiting for hubs to meet me at school to do the baby-switch.  I ended up also taking a half hour walk with Miles and Leif around campus.  So yay for being fit!

We had a little freak-out yesterday when hubs and I were chatting about childcare for Leif.  That is probably THE most expensive part of raising a baby/kid-granted you are entrusting your baby's life to another human being, and I know how hard being a nanny/babysitter can be...but wow, it costs a lot.  We've had it really lucky so far with our two friends, but one friend will be having her third baby in August and the other we can't really rely on daily, so I did some researching.  I found a great in-home childcare and met her yesterday after our campus walk-I think she's perfect!  She's a grandmother of six, but super bubbly and full of energy.  She has a super nice house, a HORSE on an acre of property, lots of toys, cubbies for each kid, a room with four cribs and everything you need to take care of babies.  She's currently watching a three month old so Leif will have a playmate!  Best part is she's not expensive.  Phew.  It's still going to cost us $$$, but not as much as if I took him to my school childcare.  He will be full-time at the childcare because it's just cheaper that way, and also when hubs isn't working he can do his reading/homework for classes.  Win-win!

So Happy Father's Day to my Pa/Pa-in-Law and my hubs, his first!  I don't know how single parents do it, I would be completely lost without Matt.  He's such a great dad (I knew he would be seeing as he was/is a baby magnet), and I love him so much!  Make sure to tell your dads you love them on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you do it all. You are such an inspiration! And all of the pictures of Leif melt my heart. He is SO cute.
