On the home stretch of catching up!
Friday, July 1
Yes, I chose a Friday to be my first day of work because I could ease in, have a three day weekend (paid holiday), then a four-day work week. I was so happy Nana agreed to come watch Ozzie for a week and a half to ease the transition. I was/am going to miss being with Ozzie 24/7, but knowing he's still at home with a relative is comforting.
The student worker that covered for me while I was away had her last day that Friday, so Bennie and I took her out to lunch.
Yummy Japanese place! |
Saturday, July 2
Hubs and Ozzie being cute...Leif was off playing with Nana. |
We decided to take Nana to the zoo that Saturday. Here we are for our lunch break. |
Seeing the River Otters, one of mommy's favorites! |
Sunday, July 3
We were looking for Leif's bubble gun, but found his air rocket he got from one of his uncle's for Christmas. At first we thought he was too small for it, but after some adjusting, he had a grand ole time! |
Later that afternoon, Nana and daddy brought back an awesome present for Leif: his very own sand box! (well, for both Leif and Ozzie once he's old enough). |
He played in the sand box for a very long time! |
Leif found his Pikachu hat before bed... |
Monday, July 4
The kids were too little to really go out and see fireworks, so we decided to get lunch/walk around the mall for the afternoon. That's pretty American, right? Here's our little all-American Leif. |
And here's our little all-American Ozzie. :) |
When we arrived at Woodranch BBQ, Leif was passed out and remained until right before our food came. |
After lunch-Leif loves his phone games. |
On our way into the mall. |
Burning off his food in the play area. |
Nana's turn to take Leif on the Mall-Train! |
That night Hubs and I walked over with Ozzie close to a lookout down the road from our house to see the fireworks over the valley. I thought they'd be closer, but it was neat to see how many fireworks were going off.
Wednesday, July 6
Held a happy Ozzie while we ate dinner. |
Thursday, July 7
After work, Leif played outside with chalk and rocks. |
While Ozzie held onto the dog. :) |
Friday, July 8
After work, Leif stayed home with Nana while we took Ozzie with us to see my old co-workers for a game night! It was also our friend Kyle's last few days before he moved out to Chicago.
Left to right: Kyle (who is leaving us-he was the organist at CLU); Michelle-Eric's wife/their home; Michael, Leif's Godfather/good friend |
Susie & Ozzie |
Hubs & Eric |
Ozzie chewing on my finger while I choose which card to pick for Cards Against Humanity |
Michael totally kicked our butts. I thought I was doing well, but ended up somewhere at the bottom.
Saturday, July 9
We decided to hit up Mimi's Cafe, our generally favorite breakfast place, Saturday morning. Our waitress was great until she went on break...then no one checked on us for a long time. We left kind of in a bad mood. |
Sunday, July 10
We decided to take Nana to Salsa & Beer for lunch (kind of a tradition now) then hit up Travel Town in Griffith Park before taking her to the airport.
Ozzie can't wait to eat here! |
I'm glad Leif filled up on the bean dip because that chicken was really gross, poor kid. |
Travel Town is basically an outdoor area filled with old, large trains. Kids can go into a few of them, a couple can be reserved for birthday parties; there's an indoor area with old artifacts & train carts and a little mini train to ride around the park...but that's about it. Hubs and I kind of don't like the place, but kids love it. |
One large, empty train cabin. |
We decided to ride the mini train as our last to-do. |
Monday, July 11
Leif is getting so independent; he built this large train track all by himself. Oh, and I forgot to mention-July 8th Ozzie ROLLED OVER FOR THE FIRST TIME! So now when I place him on his back, he automatically flips over...there he is on his jungle mat. |
Tuesday, July 12
So far my folks had been watching Ozzie during the day, and they did amazing. Before I got home, Leif had some quality time with Grandpa. |
Wednesday, July 13
I joined my university gym the previous Friday and attended two classes already that week...so Wednesday I took a break and had lunch with my co-worker Bennie at Urbane Cafe. Yummy sandwiches!
Bennie didn't really want her photo taken, but too bad. |
Thursday, July 14
Hubs work got cancelled, so he took our little Leif to the Long Beach Aquarium which turned out to be a nightmare (apparently it was super crowded). But looks like they had a fun time anyway!
And when Nana was here, I bought Leif new pajamas at the Disney store. Here are a few Chewbaccas! |
Friday, July 15
I didn't really have a lunch and Hubs didn't either, so right when I got home we all went out to eat at Red Robin in the mall. Ozzie is getting a little better in his car seat-while my mom and I shopped at H&M, Grandpa kept Ozzie occupied. |
Saturday, July 16
Since my folks would be leaving soon, we decided to drive out to Point Mugu Naval Station where they have a quiet, private beach. Ozzie did great for half the drive, then cried for the last 25 minutes. I hope he gets used to the car sooner than later!
Here are photos of our fun beach time:
Happy little Ozzie |
Lola and her grandson |
Hard to see, but a small pod of dolphins swam by! |
Grandpa bringing water back for Leif to make sand castles. Leif was terrified of the water (still). |
Beach Batman! |
Tried to get him to say "crabs" |
Leif and Grandpa caught little sand crabs! Apparently Leif was not afraid at all of them! |
Burying them in sand for some reason... |
Hubs the photographer |
Yesterday we relaxed at home/did a quick Costco run while my folks watched the kids. But I was a mess...today is Ozzie's first day in daycare and I'm so sad about it! It's one thing to have your relatives watch your baby at home, it's another to take him to a daycare center where there are other little babies and germs and not much one-on-one time. I was getting all of Ozzie's things together yesterday and freaking out about the paperwork I forgot to complete. :(
Monday, July 18
And FINALLY I'm caught up! Drop off for Ozzie was actually okay. He cried most of the way there, but then I handed him off to his new teacher and he was totally calm, just looking around. I forgot to bring his shot record, and Hubs dropped them off this morning; apparently he was doing great. Sigh. Leif is a lucky boy though-he's a little sick, but Hubs took him all the way to the Santa Barbara Zoo, one of the nicest zoos around.
He sent me this photo not too long ago |
I know I say this almost every post, but I can't believe how quickly time flies. I can't believe I'm already in my third week of work, and Ozzie is already three months old, Leif is growing up so fast; AHHH! I wish my job was part-time so I had more time to spend with my family, but who knows. I really like where I work right now, and am actually applying for another position within the department soon (haha, movin' and a shakin'); that position makes a little more than my current one, I'd have my own office and I'd be working more with students and faculty than faculty/chair/admin. If I don't get it, I still have my current position. I have the chair's blessing to apply for the other position, so it's not like I'm stepping on toes. So we'll see.
I hope you've made it through my last few blog posts and hope you aren't sick of seeing photos of my little family! It's nice to recap the last few months, and I'll be keeping you all updated on our little family. Happy Monday y'all!
The blog is back!!! How did I not realize this until now?? So happy to see all of the pictures and hear what you've been up to. Ozzie is so cute! I think he looks like your dad, Nichi! I am so impressed with how you manage everything. Those boys are so lucky to have such a loving family. I love you guys! xoxoxo